new member


Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Washington Coast
hey all. i joined today, i've had my droid for about a month now and i've been lurking this forum for a few months now. finally decided to join now that i'm getting more interested in customizing my droid.
Welcome. Seeing as you've already been lurking for a while, there's probably not much for me to say, but I will offer one piece of advice that can't be said enough times. Always make nandroid backups before doing anything. Except obviously the first run through rooting and installing sprecovery.
hey all. i joined today, i've had my droid for about a month now and i've been lurking this forum for a few months now. finally decided to join now that i'm getting more interested in customizing my droid.

Welcome to the forum, sandfreak! We're glad that you've decided to quit lurking :ph34r: and join in the fun! We were all lurkers once and it's much better on this side. So look around and make yourself at home. You'll find this to be a very friendly and helpful place to hang out. Unfortunately, you'll also discover that the only thing more addicting than this forum is that new Droid of yours! Between the two, you'll be as obsessed as the rest of us in no time at all! Enjoy!

Forget the top 5, list ALL of your apps

thanks for the welcomes. i'm trying to read up on all that i can before i start diving into the customization and asking a million questions.