new member- ? how to hook up to laptop


New Member
May 26, 2010
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I'm a new member and have owned the Moto Droid since it came out. I have a couple quesions I need to know where to find the answers to...

First, how do I hook up to a laptop for file transfer AND internet access purposes?

Second, since getting the latest upgrade (I believe it was 2.2), is Adobe Flash now available?

Thanks for your anticipated assistance,
Welcome! If I understand your first question correctly. You can connect your phone and computer with the USB cable that is used with your charger. In the notification bar you will scroll and tap connect. Once connected you will be able transfer files. My sense is you are not rooted so using your phone to access the internet requires you download an app from the market. Many individual use PDAnet.

I've not installed Flash but I believe it is available. Check the market.

Hope this is helpful.
I just got my Froyo download. I read some people having trouble with tethering after the update. I am on my laptop connected to my Droid as I am typing this. I use PDANet. Worked flawlessly before the update, and appears to do so after the update also.