New LG V10 Video showing off UX 4.0+


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Jan 9, 2010
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While we wait for more news for the official release date of the LG V10 in US, here is a new video from LG that is showcasing the UX 4.0+ which focuses on uses of the 2nd screen.

LG announced the V10 around the first of October - the phone has the spec's on paper to be a great device but will it catch enough attention from buyers to replace what they already have?

What do you think - is the 2nd screen going to be useful or just another gimmick? Is this a device that you are gonna pick up? Sound off below and let us know what you think after watching the video.

Source: LG Global Mobile on YouTube (LG Mobile Global)
It has some very nice features.. I think this could be a really great phone.. Size as always will probably be what stops some peeps on purchase

S6E+ tapatalk
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this phone is looking better and better. I'm definitely going to check it out. and here's hoping there's root.

no, not for tethering... for Tibu and a few other apps I use. I've always liked LG... my first 5-6 phones were LG... then I jumped on BB and moto droid... had my GN2 longer than any other phone I've ever owned and it's time to upgrade.
Great looking phone. Locked bootloader just like all phones on Verizon or AT&T.
When are manufacturers going to stop that stupid trend?
Make one phone for all US carriers. Sell it direct since the carriers have or are doing away with subsidies.
Leave the bootloader alone. It's MY phone.
Great looking phone. Locked bootloader just like all phones on Verizon or AT&T.
When are manufacturers going to stop that stupid trend?
Make one phone for all US carriers. Sell it direct since the carriers have or are doing away with subsidies.
Leave the bootloader alone. It's MY phone.
Um...Moto X Pure and the new Nexus phones by LG and Huawei ring a bell? OEMs have started the shift. It's up to us as consumers to speak with our wallets and purchase these first devices that are being offered direct to the customer without going through their carrier.
Um...Moto X Pure and the new Nexus phones by LG and Huawei ring a bell? OEMs have started the shift. It's up to us as consumers to speak with our wallets and purchase these first devices that are being offered direct to the customer without going through their carrier.

Not all of us have the money to pay for a phone that cost several hundreds of dollars up front. That's why we go through carriers so we can get it on monthly plans. Sucks but life happens.
I'm thinking this may be my next phone since I have decided to leave Samsung after all these years. I like the features and the fact it is a larger size. The video was cheezy but the features looked pretty cool. Hoping for an eventual root so I can use Titanium but it's not a deal breaker. I think this phone with a 128gb SD and I can be happy for a couple of years.
Not all of us have the money to pay for a phone that cost several hundreds of dollars up front. That's why we go through carriers so we can get it on monthly plans. Sucks but life happens.
My post was directly in response to @tech_head's post that I quoted, asking for OEMs to sell phones direct to the consumer that worked on all carriers.

All phones have always cost several hundreds of dollars. You simply paid a small amount up front and then the rest of the device price was spread out over the course of your contract and tucked in with other fees.

There are options for folks who can't shell out $400+ at one point, but still want to buy a phone direct from the OEM. Motorola has their own financing available and I was able to order the Nexus 6P direct from Huawei with a payment plan from a third-party financer that they work with.

Don't let the sticker shock fool you. You've been buying these $600-700 phones and paying full price for them, just over the course of your contract. At least if you can get approved for financing through an OEM or their partner, you know exactly how much you're paying.

With all of that said, let us know what you think if you do end up getting this device. As I've stated before, it look like a great choice and I'd be curious to know what it's like to use it day to day.
I'll definitely let you all know my opinions on it. This will be my next phone depending on what else pops up before it's release. I think most of the new phones are already out or been announced. There is a new HTC on the horizon but I've always been underwhelmed by their phones in the past. No idea yet on the V10 release date here so we shall see.
I didn't see a second screen Olin that video??? Splain...

Tap'n Turbo
A talking giraffe, and no one was yelling "world star" and pointing the shaky camera upside down and at every other direction other than at the giraffe?

The features are nice but to me seems like just a different take on the edge display (which I am sure was the point).

Honestly I think that phone will sell because when you think about what the majority of people do with their phones it meets their needs. People want to be able to post their pics to social media in as little steps as possible and this phone helps with that. For us android enthusiasts it is a gimmick, but to the average joe that gimmick is what will get them to buy that phone.

The key to selling this will be the marketing and if they have their holiday marketing cued up then they should grab a few eyes. Is it enough to get people to pass up the popular Galaxy phones, possibly as I am seeing more and more G phones in people's hands.
I think the #1 thing "normal" consumers are looking for is a camera like that. One that can shoot a subject with the sun behind it. Just like in that video.
That camera totally appeals to me.
Normal consumer though? They just want one touch for that. That seems like a lot of steps.

Tap'n Turbo
My post was directly in response to @tech_head's post that I quoted, asking for OEMs to sell phones direct to the consumer that worked on all carriers.

All phones have always cost several hundreds of dollars. You simply paid a small amount up front and then the rest of the device price was spread out over the course of your contract and tucked in with other fees.

There are options for folks who can't shell out $400+ at one point, but still want to buy a phone direct from the OEM. Motorola has their own financing available and I was able to order the Nexus 6P direct from Huawei with a payment plan from a third-party financer that they work with.

Don't let the sticker shock fool you. You've been buying these $600-700 phones and paying full price for them, just over the course of your contract. At least if you can get approved for financing through an OEM or their partner, you know exactly how much you're paying.

With all of that said, let us know what you think if you do end up getting this device. As I've stated before, it look like a great choice and I'd be curious to know what it's like to use it day to day.
With all that being said, I have to wonder how much carriers inflate the price on the phone's they sell. I would bet that as more manufacturers sell their phones directly, and as more people buy them directly, we will see those prices start to drop.

On another note, that is a very impressive phone.

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