New (Happy) Droid Owner


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
West New York, NJ
At last, at last: Verizon has a phone that is worth its salt. Congratulations to Motorola, Google, and Verizon. The Blackberry? Well, I'll just leave it at that. I've owned the Droid for only a little over a week and am happy as heck. It does all I've wanted in a phone for some time. Of course, there are a few beefs, but considering how new its technology is, I'm not complaining!
1) To have the bluetooth software be able to voice command from the bluetooth;
2) To be able to edit MSWord documents without an expensive app.;
3) To have visual voicemails, like with the iPhone, without an add-on fee (Don't nickel and dime us, please; that was how the Voyager worked with TV add-ons, GPS add-ons, etc. If you want satisfied customers, go easy with add-on pricings!)
4) To be able to eavesdrop on voicemails.

But these are minor quibbles.

I love the Droid. It rocks!
Google Voice (free once you get an invite) can take care of numbers 3 and 4. I use GV without a GV number for the visual voicemail and cheap international calls. If you get a GV number you can do #4.
Welcome to the insanity, galleherjazz! Nice to have you with us and I hope you enjoy your time here!
The droid is a really great phone I got mine on the 20th of january and I have not regreted the choice of buying this phone. I honestly still don't understand what some people were complaining about. At first I was hesitant because of some of the negative reviews people were giving but after trying it for myself I realized that there was nothing wrong with this phone. You really made a wise decision getting this phone.
Happiness Continued!

Thanks, camcrobe, for the heads-up about Google Voice. Since my purchase of the Droid, I've been getting in to Google Contacts and Google Calendar, neither of which were on my radar prior to this purchase. In fact, I'm still not a G-mail user, but the calendar function will replace the antiquated Palm Desktop, which had been my mainstay for years. I shake my head that I was unable to import my Palm datebook and calendar into Google. Palm's datebook file is .dba. Google only imports .csv. Oh, well, I'll just slowly re-enter the data onto Google. I love Google's sync function. It's practically instantaneous. And I have an app in my Google desktop which shows me the daily events on the Google Calendar.

Thanks for your tips. I've sent an application for an invite to Google Voice!