I have a rooted droid X and just got the BH6X extended battery.
So when I install the battery with the charger connected, i get the charge screen like it doesn't have enough power to turn on yet. As I watch this screen, it goes from 0% to 100% in about 10 seconds...
I can then turn on the phone and it boots fine. The phone then displays that it is fully charged to 100%. However as soon as I disconnect the power cord it immediately dies.
Obviously the battery is not charged. I have charged it for several hours and still see the same result. I have also deleted the battery stats as recommended in other threads.
Has anyone ever experienced this before (especially the "goes from 0% to 100% in about 10 seconds" part)?
So when I install the battery with the charger connected, i get the charge screen like it doesn't have enough power to turn on yet. As I watch this screen, it goes from 0% to 100% in about 10 seconds...
I can then turn on the phone and it boots fine. The phone then displays that it is fully charged to 100%. However as soon as I disconnect the power cord it immediately dies.
Obviously the battery is not charged. I have charged it for several hours and still see the same result. I have also deleted the battery stats as recommended in other threads.
Has anyone ever experienced this before (especially the "goes from 0% to 100% in about 10 seconds" part)?