New Droid Owner and New Member


New Member
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV

Well, having read a few responses here to us Droid newbies, I'm as glad to have joined as to have bought the phones. Since they come with almost no documentation for the OS, I'm going straight to the FAQ for starters.

This is my first "smartphone", and being old enough (and having grown up rural enough) to remember only a radio for technology, it's been quite a ride to get here! We have the Motorola Droid with Verizon, and BOY are these things cool.

I was told about this site by the reseller we got the phones/plan from and am here initially to try and learn how to put music on the things, but I can see there's gonna be so much more.

Happy to meet you all,
Sounds like the reseller knew his stuff and pointed you in the right direction. Welcome aboard! This is my first smartphone too and this site has really helped me to understand my phone and put it through its paces!

Well, having read a few responses here to us Droid newbies, I'm as glad to have joined as to have bought the phones. Since they come with almost no documentation for the OS, I'm going straight to the FAQ for starters.

This is my first "smartphone", and being old enough (and having grown up rural enough) to remember only a radio for technology, it's been quite a ride to get here! We have the Motorola Droid with Verizon, and BOY are these things cool.

I was told about this site by the reseller we got the phones/plan from and am here initially to try and learn how to put music on the things, but I can see there's gonna be so much more.

Happy to meet you all,

Welcome to the neighborhood, Joe! Glad the reseller pointed you in our direction. The learning curve for the Droid is steep, but so worth it in the end! Just soak up all the information you can and you'll be an expert in no time. You have to remember that most of us here still learn something new almost every day - that's part of the fun!
:welcome: to the forum Joe! We're glad you're here. You're really going to enjoy your droid and this forum! There is a lot of good information here. Enjoy!