New Android User


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hey, Just purchased my Moto Driod on Saturday from VZW. I have that 30 day return policy to see if i like the phone or not. I upgraded from a Moto Q9m and tired a bbstorm for 2 weeks. I gave the storm back and now im giving the droid a try. So far so good. I had no idea the marketplace was this extensive.

The only complaints i have are: the battery life and the lack luster ability to move the cursor, to correct spelling, on the touch screen portion of this phone. Had the same issue with the storm but they made a quick fix and adapted apple's concept of a magnifier.

Im also glad there is a large following of support for this phone via this and other forums. Thnx!
Hey paulypotz :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: to DROIDFORUMS!

I am totally sure you will like the DROID over the STORM!
and then you go :byestorm:

:D just like me in couple o days!

So feel free to ask and write threads, or participate in social groups!

Some things I've learned in the last couple of weeks.
Check imap and mobile setup settings in both gmail and google maps.
to put the phone to sleep at night, hit top right button and move the volume control to the left.