My wife and I are looking for a mobile app that we can both use to help keep track of our finances. If we both had Android :greendroid: devices, EasyMoney might be the easy answer. However, she has an iPhone :iphone: while I have a Droid 2 :motdroidhoriz:. So we need an application that offers versions for both Android and the iPhone. I've come across Mint and Pageonce, and would like to get peoples' opinions of them. I'm also open to any other suggestions.
My biggest question so far is about the true cost of such applications. In looking through the information on Mint's website, I learned that a lot of banks charge a monthly fee to link your account information to a 3rd-party application. There was no mention of this on the Pageonce site or in their forums. I'm fine with ads, as long as they don't cause a significant impact to the performance of the core app. What I'm not fine with is an app that portrays itself as free only to find out that the banks then pile on fees to use it. :icon_evil: As far as I'm concerned, that's no longer free and should be clearly spelled out. If only I were king...
I wouldn't rule out an app with a one-time fee, either, if that were the only fee. Ever.
Anyone with firsthand experience using Pageonce or Mint who can help confirm the total cost of ownership? And are there other apps that I should be considering?
Thanks in advance.
My wife and I are looking for a mobile app that we can both use to help keep track of our finances. If we both had Android :greendroid: devices, EasyMoney might be the easy answer. However, she has an iPhone :iphone: while I have a Droid 2 :motdroidhoriz:. So we need an application that offers versions for both Android and the iPhone. I've come across Mint and Pageonce, and would like to get peoples' opinions of them. I'm also open to any other suggestions.
My biggest question so far is about the true cost of such applications. In looking through the information on Mint's website, I learned that a lot of banks charge a monthly fee to link your account information to a 3rd-party application. There was no mention of this on the Pageonce site or in their forums. I'm fine with ads, as long as they don't cause a significant impact to the performance of the core app. What I'm not fine with is an app that portrays itself as free only to find out that the banks then pile on fees to use it. :icon_evil: As far as I'm concerned, that's no longer free and should be clearly spelled out. If only I were king...

Anyone with firsthand experience using Pageonce or Mint who can help confirm the total cost of ownership? And are there other apps that I should be considering?
Thanks in advance.