Need copy of com.motorola.BackupAssistanceClient


New Member
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
For some reason in my TiBu this app appears in gray and crossed out... and I don't have a backup of it to restore.. can someone give me a copy of from a Droid 3 Gingerbread to push it with adb...??
Thanks vbhokiefan, I'll give it a try although I don't exactly know what you mean when you say it's not debloated.. but I'll read about it... let you know what happens..
Thanks vbhokiefan, I'll give it a try although I don't exactly know what you mean when you say it's not debloated.. but I'll read about it... let you know what happens..

debloated just means all the vzw and non essential apps have been removed. :biggrin:
Lol, I felt like a complete newbie when I read what debloated was .. got it now.. Thanks
you can grab pedward3x's stock deodex ROM here and extract it. it should have it (its not debloated)

Thanks a lot!, it worked perfect got the app working again...

Just in case someone else needs this sometime .. here is what I did:

1) Deleted everything that had to do with the Backup Assistant
- /system/app/BackupAssistantClient.apk
- /system/app/BackupAssistantClient.odex
- /system/app/BuaContactAdapter.apk
- /system/app/BuaContactAdapter.odex
- /data/data/com.motorola.BackupAssistanceClient
- /data/data/
2) Deleted dalvik-cache with TiBu (don't think it's necessary, but just in case)
3) Pushed BackupAssistanceClient.apk and BuaContactAdapter.apk to /mnt/sdcard
4) Copied those files from /mnt/sdcard to /system/app
5) Changed permissions with busybox chmod u+rw-x,g+r-wx,o+r-wx <filename>.apk (did it on both files)
6) Rebooted phone.