Navionics app


Jun 25, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys I have some questions. I am trying to download the nav app. When I click on agree it either goes black or force closes it. Any ideas? Also a couple time I've got it to goto the download screen and it just sat there and didn't start downloading it. I am using the wifi connection in our local library. Please help!!!!
Hey guys this is the response I got on another forum. Can some body please walk me through this and tell me how to do this. Thanks

Boos, you might not like this, but it is what I had to do. I had to plug the phone into a PC and then browse the files and find the Navionics data. I forget the exact path, but it was in a file named Data, and then Navionics.
You will need to delete that file.

If you are unable to access a PC, then download an APP called Astro File Manager, that will allow you to browse the data and delete it without a PC.
Then after that, make sure you go into your Manage Applications in your phone settings and uninstall Navionics.
With all that removed, you can now redownload the App. It won’t cost you anything extra to do that, you can do that as many times as you want.

I know you downloaded it partially over a phone connection and so did I and that is what worked for me. I too had issues with it forcing a close.