Locale App alternatives???


Nov 6, 2009
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I am having an issue now since locale beta has run out with my WiFi not connecting. I am looking for another program that will auto connect like Locale Beta did?

Anyone have an idea??

There's an app called Setting Profiles that might work. It's free for one rule, but it costs only $2.95 for the full version. I haven't tried it, but I hear that it's good.
I can vouch for Setting Profiles. It is BETTER than Locale, and only 2.95 for the full version. Try the lite version out for free, you'll see.
I had not heard of Settings Profile and will go research it on the Market, but as a "Locale replacement" is it more about setting different profiles/situations that you have to manually go in and turn on or is it like Locale and recognizes each profile based on criteria that you establish? It is definitely something I will research. Thanks for the tip.
Timerrific works great for me. However, the profiles are set up by times of the day. It is a free program though and worth a look.
Welcome to the forum russ0627....I see you snuck around the Introductions thread but I caught you!!

Nah j/k

I am gonna try out Timerrific, I hadn't heard of that app man so thank ya! :)
Setting profiles will let you base the profile on a number of things including your location. I love this program and it is totally worth it. It is amazing.
I've had bad luck with Locale and Tasker. They wouldn't work correctly on my phone. Try out Smart Volume Control+. I haven't had a problem with it. Plus, it has more features than Tasker and Locale
I've had bad luck with Locale and Tasker. They wouldn't work correctly on my phone. Try out Smart Volume Control+. I haven't had a problem with it. Plus, it has more features than Tasker and Locale

I agree with Suny6- I've had much better luck with SVC+. Tasker is full of bugs and Locale kills the battery on my phone.