Fixed it...The Hard Way
I am pretty certain it is NOT the cables/USB (and not the drivers either). I got mine fixed by reformatting my phone. I did try reinstalling drivers on my personal CPU, didn't help. It worked initially on my newer work CPU so i'm sure at LEAST that one had the right drivers.
Why not the cable:
1- Cables are just wires- strictly a physical connection? Could probably McGyver a fan cord to work.
2- the cables (both) worked initially, on both cpu's, then quit working- on both cpu's. Had to be something in the phone.
3- I have only used Verizon branded cables, bought from Corporate Vzn Stores, including the one that came with phone. To say the one that comes with phone is better fit, would assume that Verizon pays attn when packaging to only include one type of cord vs another identical cord. SERIOUSLY doubt Verizon pays attn to that in kitting. They are both labeled identically.
4- After reformatting my phone, it now works with the same cables that wouldn't work before.
I'm not sure what might have broke my phone, but i have a few guesses, as i have not done anything complicated (for example Rooting)...these 3 things are the most Techy mods i made.
1- Smart Actions- I tried to get clever with different battery levels turning off various items. I may have activiated something that turned off (??dunno what???) when batter got low...same something may have turned it to PC only mode? like the opposite of charge mode? dunno- just listing Smart actions as one of the things i altered.
2- Apps- one of the first things i did was open the list of running apps draining my battery...immediate shock over all the CRAP running, so i tried to uninstall the ones that i hadn't seen on my old MotoDroid (weren't on the last one so shouldn't need them here right??? ha!). SOme of these programs weren't removable, so i Force Stopped them as that was the closest option. I did get an alert that said Forcing these to stop "May cause certain apps to behave poorly." ignored it and closed them anyway. Could very possibly have closed a driver that triggered the start of program necessary to recognze USB? Seems wierd/unlikely though as I had done that, THEN used USB which worked for a while...didn't kill any more apps before USB then started to not be recognized.
3- Motocast- I was trying to sync up Motocast when this all went wrong. Cable was working fine/visible, plugged into motocast and POOF! WOuldn't work. I dunno what might have happened here, but to me Motocast is flakey app and it was the only process i was in the middle of, so seems to have a correlation. Had lots of errors trying to connect it, can't delete the music, it just greys them out so you can't USE the stuff it kind of sees, and most importantly, can't use music that hasn't been downloaded direct to phone. I don't BUY a lot of music, but like to have enuff on my phone to get thru a flight....which is also where i couldn't use Motocast. I suspect something happened in my Motocast process- could have required an app i force closed, so a combination of 2 and 3 here???
After reformatting my phone to factory settings, (and not bothering to try re-re-installing drivers on either cpu) USB is recognized pretty certain its a phone/software/settings issue, not something HW'ish like cables. i have now set a few of the Suggested Smart Actions for battery life, will not be Force STopping any apps, and copied 5Gb of music directly to phone just like I would copy an old MS Office file. So far everything is working well.
If you have done similar things, and aren't too far into your new configuration/setup i'd suggest trying to reformat your phone. Be careful to back up files...i still have my old phone that works with WiFi, but when i reformatted, forgot i would (and did) lose all my texts, Gallery, etc.