My phone doesn't seem to ring with incoming calls anymore


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Galaxy Note 7
The title basically says it all. It seems to ring for the 1st call of the day, and after that, nothing. Occasionally I will hear a beep. Also, once in a while, i have noticed that when a call does come in, the swipe to answer doesn't show up so I am unable to actually answer the call. This seemed to start after the last update. I have tried searching for answers online but haven't seen much chatter about it. I have tried everything except the dreaded FDR. Ideas? And no, it's not on vibrate, silent or any other simple issue. Ha!
Interesting issue. I know you said you've tried everything but and FDR, but sometimes that's the best cure for what ails you.

What exactly have you done? Turn the ringer on and off? Change the ringtone? Reboot the phone?

Not that I really think it matters, because they should be handled pretty much the same, but are you using one of the stock ringtones, or have you used another program like Zedge to set one or set an mp3?
I was afraid that would be the answer I would get. o_O But I sort of expected as much. I have tried changing system settings, clearing data and cache, pulling battery, etc. You name it, I tried it, except for the act that I dread so much... Oh... It was with the last update because i remember it was the same time as the visual voicemail fiasco. Happened at the same time as a warning that my SD card had corrupted. I reformatted the SD card and off I went. I use Zedge. Old habits and all...
I really wish they could get these updates to stick without issue across the board, but this has been a problem with android updates as far back as the OG Droid and, like I said and you're dreading, an FDR pretty much always fixes things.

I actually like an FDR once in a while. Gives me an excuse to get rid of things I never use, but forget to uninstall and freshens everything up nice.

I actually did one about a week before the s4 got it's last update, even though I had already pre-ordered my Note 4 and knew I'd be setting it up soon, but I ended up with no issues after update because it was still fresh enough while others had all sorts of things that were slightly messed up after taking the update.

Then it got another FDR when I gave it to my girlfriend after the Note arrived. Haha
Darn... I know you are right. I know... I guess I'll just bite it and knock it out. Need to have a phone that works and aside from this little fluke, it has been a great phone. Ha!! Nice..... Thanks for your encouragement.
Ha!! I have begun..... Why couldn't it have been a simple toggle I missed in settings! I find it odd that I have done plenty of these but yet it always seems so overwhelming. I will be sure to note if it takes care of this problem. I think i need fewer apps.... :D
Great time for house cleaning! Just make sure you pay attention to what it starts downloading automatically after you sign in if you have it setup to backup to your Google account.
Ha!! Now you remind me!!! Nah, it's all good. We are still downloading apps and updates. It looks like i have several apps like handcent that save message info and my password secure site is back up which is my biggest fear. We will be rocking a new, well factory reset new, phone shortly and I can play with setting everything back up through the evening. It will be better than shoveling anyways.
I hear that. I'm hoping we get the few inches we got yesterday packed down on the driveway before it freezes and snows enough that I can justify getting the blower out. I hate shoveling and I did it for 2 years at work and home while I was in maintenance. Got myself a promotion and department change this summer, so I'm liking not having to do it everywhere, but this is too early!
Yeah... I'm a troll:p Just north of Kalamazoo. But I LOVE the UP!!
Don't feel bad. I was only born half Yooper and not raised here. Hence the "Kansas" in my screen name.

It's a beautiful place, but like you said, winter came too early this year. It's sunny today, but still frigid.
Born there or not, you are one of our own now.. Ha! Very beautiful indeed.. I have to hit the road. But thanks again for the encouragement. I will have a report on the phone calls tomorrow.