My introduction haha


New Member
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
Just got my droid recently, a couple weeks ago. Coming from a Samsung Omnia. If youve ever used that phone, or even known anyone with that phone, you can see why I love this phone to death! On my Omnia I would be lucky to make it at all through a day of battery, period. Throw in a few mms, a phone call, and a web page or so, and it was done for. Not to mention the speed tests I got on it went upto a whole 350kbps, if I was lucky...pathetic, and more generally around 100-250kbps. And as slow as it did text, specifically with the joke of a keyboard, communication wasnt an option. I think when I really had time to put in time for texting, I got upto 2500 in a month when I was lucky. Now with this Droid, between how much faster it sends messages, how much faster it switches from everything, and just how smooth it is, and especially with the hard keyboard and how responsive it is, I peaked 13k sms this last 3 weeks. Also with my old Omnia, the unlimited data plan was a joke, mainly because it didnt have any real data apps for it besides pocket ie and opera, so I would hardly ever peak 100mb, especially considering it could barely handle an evdo rev_a connection I guess, and although it had wifi, opera couldnt handle it correctly (addressing issues) and pocket ie was so slow there was no gain from wifi anyway, but now Im actually able to abuse my unlimited data, and I can use wifi. All that plus all the goodies from flashing various roms, so you can imagine the transition going from wm6.1 (ie the non-touch optimized windows mobile) on one of the slowest smartphones Ive ever used, to a droid @ 550mhz on eclair, and then to a droid @ 1.25ghz on eclair, and then on froyo @1.25ghz on top of that, its pretty exhilirating haha. I cant get off this phone.

PS: If it hasnt caught on, Im a "mod" enthusiast of sorts for lack of a better term. Had a launch us psp that I used custom firmware on up until 5.03, had an itouch 2g that I jailbroke upto 1.3, had an omnia that I used roms on obviously, have an asus laptop (g72gx) that I enjoy ocing, and now to top it all off, I have one of the top, if not the top android phone out there, imo anyway haha. Anyway, point being Ive been around a block or something lol.
:welcome: to the forum! I see we have another addict that needs an intervention!! :D
Haha I guess. I just love modding electronics whenever possible. Thanks!
Speaking of which, I managed to get my droid up to quadrant scores in the 1600-1700's just from a froyo rom and ocing to 1.25ghz. Anything I'm missing that can bring that any higher. I am also using autokiller for the page settings and memfree to free up memory.