New Member
It was a warm night on Tuesday May 3rd in San Jose CA. I was in my last college class of the day, a basketball class from which I needed one unit to meet full-time status. With the semester nearly over and being on friendly terms with everyone in class I'd gained a false sense of security, perhaps I'm too trusting. I had left my htc Droid eris sitting in my hat on the bleachers along with my car keys. Half way through the class I sat down in-between games and checked my text messages... after the last game I returned to my hat to see it appearing untouched, unmoved... I see my keys, shuffle around a bit, where's my phone? Maybe it fell behind the bench under the bleachers? I don't see it, "Courtney, can I borrow your phone for a second?", I call my phone... nothing... I'm not alone, the teachers phone is gone as well. I continue to dig around crawling underneath bleachers for another 15-20 minutes even though I know in my stomach that my phone is gone, my misplaced trust has been betrayed.
The whole drive home I feel naked and have that upset, angry feeling in my stomach. How could I have let my guard down like that? I get home and call my service provider, they are completely useless... I guess it's true, you get what you pay for... I hop online and post an ad on Craigslist, "you can keep the phone and I'll give you $50, just let me get my info, data, contacts, stuff I can't replace... I won't rat you out, my digital stuff is what's important, not the phone..." I'm able to use the internet to get a general location of my phone, it's on but locked, they can't do anything with it except answer incoming calls, but it just rings and rings and rings... Google locates my phone in North San Jose but there's nothing I can do about that now. I have an old Razr (yuck) from 2 years ago in my desk drawer so I call Metro back and have my service switched to the Razr, at least I have my family's numbers and my basic contacts, but all the people I've met at school over the last couple semesters, unless they call I'll likely never be able to find them again... This is a mistake I'll NEVER make again.
Fast forward a few days... I'm the proud owner of a Motorola Droid X, the guy I bought it from says it's Metro flashed but it was his girlfriends and she got an Iphone, he doesn't know if picture messages or any of the goodies work, he says it's NOT Rooted... My luck finally takes a turn for the positive, He's wrong
All this brings me here, I figured out how to erase the default owner's Gmail info without resetting my phone though this site plus a little of my own resourcefulness.
I have learned a lot in my few days on this site and I didn't know how much potential these phones had, if I'd only known of underclocking and overclocking when I had my Eris, that thing was SLOW!!! couldn't even play Angry Birds. Could have underclocked it at work so my battery wouldn't die within 12 hours, and overclocked it when I wanted to play games...
I love my Droid X dancedroid
The whole drive home I feel naked and have that upset, angry feeling in my stomach. How could I have let my guard down like that? I get home and call my service provider, they are completely useless... I guess it's true, you get what you pay for... I hop online and post an ad on Craigslist, "you can keep the phone and I'll give you $50, just let me get my info, data, contacts, stuff I can't replace... I won't rat you out, my digital stuff is what's important, not the phone..." I'm able to use the internet to get a general location of my phone, it's on but locked, they can't do anything with it except answer incoming calls, but it just rings and rings and rings... Google locates my phone in North San Jose but there's nothing I can do about that now. I have an old Razr (yuck) from 2 years ago in my desk drawer so I call Metro back and have my service switched to the Razr, at least I have my family's numbers and my basic contacts, but all the people I've met at school over the last couple semesters, unless they call I'll likely never be able to find them again... This is a mistake I'll NEVER make again.
Fast forward a few days... I'm the proud owner of a Motorola Droid X, the guy I bought it from says it's Metro flashed but it was his girlfriends and she got an Iphone, he doesn't know if picture messages or any of the goodies work, he says it's NOT Rooted... My luck finally takes a turn for the positive, He's wrong

All this brings me here, I figured out how to erase the default owner's Gmail info without resetting my phone though this site plus a little of my own resourcefulness.
I have learned a lot in my few days on this site and I didn't know how much potential these phones had, if I'd only known of underclocking and overclocking when I had my Eris, that thing was SLOW!!! couldn't even play Angry Birds. Could have underclocked it at work so my battery wouldn't die within 12 hours, and overclocked it when I wanted to play games...
I love my Droid X dancedroid