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My Gallery Issues.


New Member
EDIT: I've fixed the problem. The Gallery freaks out when it encounters media files the base player can't play (in my case, some .mkv video files). I deleted mine, and Gallery is snappy again, but I'm sure there's a good way to hide them... I created a .nomedia folder but unfortunately this hid all of my media, so I'm not sure what I did wrong - is it supposed to be in the directory with the files you want to hide, or are you supposed to put the hidden files in there? Anyways, Ignore the wall of text below.

This will be my first post, and I'm sorry to say it will be a long one, as I'm going to include all of my personal troubleshooting. I've had the Droid 2 for one week, and love it - however, I've run into issues.

#1 Issue: I have roughly 150 picture and video files on my SD Card (the one provided by Verizon at purchase), having moved them there for backgrounds/contact pictures/viewing, what have you. I've put them in folders on the SD card - 9 folders total. When I click 'Folders' when the Gallery opens up (slowly) it takes AGES for the phone to open the folders (populate the folder thumbnails so that I can view their contents). It takes over a full minute, and sometimes will not come up at all (it will either go black completely for a while before bouncing me back to the previous screen, or go black and load 5-10minutes later). This was not always the case - at first when I put these pictures on, it was pretty fast and smooth. Late in the troubleshooting, I realized that Astro Pro had a pile of slowness just opening the SD Card's list of files.
Other odd things are as it loads (when it loads) sometimes it will show a date at the top which I believe corresponds to one of my old images (it says May, 2004) or will show the letter 'C' briefly on the screen as if it was scrolling through letters, even though I don't have enough folders to even need to scroll the page down.

Before I list my installed applications, my question to the forums beloved tech gurus is: Is there something I can fix on my SD card or phone to correct this, or should I march to Verizon and demand a replacement SD card? My working theory is that perhaps I have a faulty, crappy one. Unfortunately I cannot pinpoint exactly when the problem started - pretty crappy IT right there, we're supposed to document EVERYTHING.

Thank you for reading this wall of text, and pardon my parantheses.

What I've done:
~Installed and uninstalled many applications
~Plugged my phone in via USB for charging and USB Mass Storage in two machines, one running XP, the other Windows 7
~Plugged my phone in via USB with debugging enabled for wired Tethering with Pdanet
~put several video and picture files on the SD Card in folders and subfolders - I have tried getting rid of the folders all together and the problem persists with all the files just sitting naked on the SD Card, so I re-established the folders

Applications Currently Installed (Yes, you'll see I'm a geek):

All listed as they appear in AppBrain (spaces and capital letters or lack thereof included - sorry I do not know how to make spoiler tags for this forum)

Sense Analog Small Clock 4x1
Ringo Lite
Tone Picker
Vaulty Free (Problem existed before installing this, haven't uninstalled and set up a .nomedia yet)
3 (Cubed Music Player)
Labyrinth Lite
Old Man Herbert Soundboard
The Princess Bridge Soundboard
Adam West Familyguy Soundboard
Portal Soundboard (GLaDOS)
Missile intercept
Thunderstorm Donation (Live Wallpaper, not in use, its my 'ooo lookit my phone its awesome' app)
Manga Browser
Smart Shortcuts
Spider Man
System Panel App / Task Manager (paid for otherwise I'd nuke it, doesn't seem to be the problem here though)
LauncherPro (paid)
Gem Miner (free)
Hypnotoad To Go
YahtC Classic
Metal Detector
The IT Crowd Soundboard
PdaNet free edition
Wordfeud FREE
Slacker Radio
Guitar : Solo Lite
NetCounter (I was just interested)
Adobe Reader
Tricorder (must have app)
Places Directory
Amazon MP3 (update of pre-install)
Kindle for Android (update of pre-install)
AppBrain App Market
Barcode Scanner
ASTRO File Mgr (with Pro key, paid)
Meet Gir
RockPlayer (ARMv7)
Google Maps
Facebook for Android
Terminal Emulator (I don't know what this is, I didn't download it)
Flash Player 10.1 (updated of pre-install)
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