I need help rooting my Droid bionic 905 2.3.4, i have tried everything that i know of. here are the problems I have run into.
PETE’S MOTOROLA ROOT TOOLSERROR: adb could not be granted root access via local.propmethod
Try again from thestart, but if the problem continues, check your version
of Gingerbread --hopefully you don't have a version where this exploit
was fixed. (doesn’teven make it past the 3rd step)
Congratulations your phone should be rooted. But it’s notrooted. I checked it with Root Check Basic and it said my device is not properlyrooted plus the super user app wasn’t installed.
Motofail: Universal Android Root Expoit
Adb server out of date killing… along with a long failedmessage stating remount failed; Operation not permitted, failed to copybusybox, failed to copy super user, etc.
PETE’S MOTOROLA ROOT TOOLSERROR: adb could not be granted root access via local.propmethod
Try again from thestart, but if the problem continues, check your version
of Gingerbread --hopefully you don't have a version where this exploit
was fixed. (doesn’teven make it past the 3rd step)
Congratulations your phone should be rooted. But it’s notrooted. I checked it with Root Check Basic and it said my device is not properlyrooted plus the super user app wasn’t installed.
Motofail: Universal Android Root Expoit
Adb server out of date killing… along with a long failedmessage stating remount failed; Operation not permitted, failed to copybusybox, failed to copy super user, etc.