Music Players + Widgets


Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
Yuba ****ty, California
Okay need help finding the right music player atm I use mixzing for two reasons

1. album art on widget
2. auto download missing art

reason i want to find a new one mixzings widgets are 2x2 and 4x4 >< I need a 4x1 or something that fits better with other widgets ect free or paid I do not care does anyone have a idea where i can get what im looking for? maybe an addon for the built in music player that could download the art and a widget replacment not sure
Get Tunewiki... It downloads missing art and displays the widget in a 4x1 format
nrm found the option tyvm this is exactly what i was looking for though it doesnt seem to rotate or maybe its not because i turned that off for my homescreen but works great and love that the widget doesnt open the player when you miss press and dont hit the button only opens when you hit the open button