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ANyone know how to fix this? Updated to Froyo, multimedia dock times out as if it's not plugged in. In the past the screen would stay lit when on the dock. Thanks.
ANyone know how to fix this? Updated to Froyo, multimedia dock times out as if it's not plugged in. In the past the screen would stay lit when on the dock. Thanks.
This was posted on and seems to work!
Originally Posted by jfoust View Post
I noticed this too and it annoys me because i use
mine as a weather station/clock at work. I finally
installed Alarm Clock Plus V2 and that has an
option to disable the screensaver, but the Froyo
App doesn't seem to have that ability.
Install Alarm Clock Plus V2 (FREE or Paid $1.79), then Go into the settings for Alarm Clock Plus V2 and set screentimeout to NEVER.
It has three modes
1. AutoLock: Device will lock screen
2. EaysUnlock Device will not screen lock but will dim
3. ScreenStay: Screen will not lock and wnever dim.
I use the 3rd option when in Car or Multimedia dock and the 2nd option so when the screen times out I do not have to unlock when pressing the power button.
I can't get it to run at all. It force closes every time I try to run it since updating to 2.2. Now I can only find DockService and a few other pay apps in the marketplace and Dock Service says it is not for the MotoDroid. If I search for Dockrunner it tells me there are no matches. Any suggestions on how to get the app again? I have had the dock for a long time and can't remember how the app got on my phone to begin with...:motdroidhoriz:
Go to the development settings and there should be a check box for "stay lit while connected to usb" or something that that effect. It keeps the screen on while plugged in.
My Stay Awake option is checked, and the screen does not blank. Instead, the time jumps around as if it is a screensaver. This is since 2.2 and I don't want that at all -- I just want my dock screen. Also since 2.2, I must click through a USB Connected prompt, which is completely unasked for.
I am having the same docking issues with the screen saver mode turning on. Loved when at my desk the clock and weather displayed prior to 2.2 - lots of comments above, but hesitant to download apps and comments are mixed. Any suggestion what to do? Have settings checked to always display when charging - still goes into sleep mode. I want my clock back!!!
This was posted on and seems to work!
Originally Posted by jfoust View Post
I noticed this too and it annoys me because i use
mine as a weather station/clock at work. I finally
installed Alarm Clock Plus V2 and that has an
option to disable the screensaver, but the Froyo
App doesn't seem to have that ability.
Install Alarm Clock Plus V2 (FREE or Paid $1.79), then Go into the settings for Alarm Clock Plus V2 and set screentimeout to NEVER.
That worked on mine. When I take it out of the dock, I'll just change the screen timeout. I have a dock at work, and want the screen to stay on then; at home, I have a dock, and use the alarm, and I'll let set it to timeout then.
The Stay Awake option under Settings/Applications/Development still let it go into sleep mode while on my dock.
I echo the comments above. I have a dock at work as well as at home and I like to keep the dock screen up with the weather on it at my desk at work as well as at home (where I have the unit bluetoothed to a dock-n-talk). I would rather not have to download an app just to get back to the dock screen that was there originally. They need to have the screen saver as an optional selection.
I echo the comments above. I have a dock at work as well as at home and I like to keep the dock screen up with the weather on it at my desk at work as well as at home (where I have the unit bluetoothed to a dock-n-talk). I would rather not have to download an app just to get back to the dock screen that was there originally. They need to have the screen saver as an optional selection.