MP3s in alarm?

Click your song add as ringtone. Then when u set alarm sound scroll to your song. Plays whole song
Simple way to do this...
On your SD card create THIS FILE STRUCTURE:


Now all you have to do is fill in these directories with the Mp3s you want, and they will show up in those respective lists !!!
Damn :mad:. I hate random [Edited by FoxKat for content] moments lol. Should have been obvious to create an "alarms" folder since I had already done the same for notifications and ringtones and everything else lol. Thanks for pulling my head out :icon_ banana:
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Simple way to do this...
On your SD card create THIS FILE STRUCTURE:


Now all you have to do is fill in these directories with the Mp3s you want, and they will show up in those respective lists !!!
thanks for the tip =]...if only we could specify specific tones for email, and such instead of having just one control all
you can specify which tones are used in each application. They're all under each application's settings. If you don't set one yourself, the default notification tone will be used!
so i can specify a tone for text message and a different one ffor email and so on??
yup go into each one you want to change and change the Setting of Notification from "Default" to whatever you want.

I have diff tones for my 2 email accounts, texts, and ringer.
also , if you download

sms popup

as your sms notifications manager, you can turn of notifications in your default messaging application and then have custom notifications per contact. Just set it up within sms popup and it does the rest!
Connect your Droid to computer.

On Droid slide down your notification bar you'll see your USB connection in there. Click it.
Mount SD Card.

Then explore to it on your computer should show up just like a USB drive does, and add the folders right to the root of the SD Card that's all I did.
also , if you download

sms popup

as your sms notifications manager, you can turn of notifications in your default messaging application and then have custom notifications per contact. Just set it up within sms popup and it does the rest!

Handcent SMS also excellent allows you to change the color of the blinking LED so you can have no audio notifications and change the color and blink rate of the LED.

Def worth the download.
handcent or ChompSMS

whatever you'd like works, though i find Chomp's interface to be a lot crisper, though handcent has many applications integrated inside of it by default.

If you're an enthusiast or the type to have the most control over your device

i'd actually download chompsms and use sms popup,

sms popup has it's code open source so many other developers can integrate it (ie handcent) but if you want the latest and greatest, you have to get it standalone.
Simple way to do this...
On your SD card create THIS FILE STRUCTURE:


Now all you have to do is fill in these directories with the Mp3s you want, and they will show up in those respective lists !!!

Will wma's work?