Just a quick stop to introduce another noobie to the world of DroidX. Damn this thing needs to have an instruction course on what it can do. Then another on how to do it. I see all the threads about flashing, rom, rooting, and wonder what the hell is that? Must be getting old. Reading lots of the threads and I must say some of you are socially inept while others just plain rock! I've found myself looking at some of my apps and now wonder what the hell do I need that for. I don't care what some of you say... every one needs lookout!!! Not for antivirus but for the screaming phone. Had to use it several times already ( have a four year old that likes to play hide and seek with daddies phone ) I also use a task killer (froyo task killer) force stop those pesky background apps that I can't seem to uninstall.... Thanks for all you who have been sharing your experience on this thing. One day I may actually know what the hell some of you are talking about.