If you are one of the lucky folks who already have a new Moto Xoom, and want to do some serious tinkering, you are in luck. The hackster extraordinaire Koush has already Rooted the Xoom for our nerd pleasure. Here's a link to his website, koushikdutta.com, where you can get the full details on how he accomplished this feat. Also, we've included his instructions and the Xoom Root download below. Be careful to follow his directions. You don't want to brick your new $800 dollar Honeycomb Tablet. Enjoy!
Here are the instructions to root your device (this assumes you have adb and fastboot installed on your computer):
1. # Download the XOOM root zip.
2. # Unzip the package.
3. # Put your junk in the box.
4. adb reboot bootloader (skip the next 3 steps if you have already unlocked via fastboot)
5. fastboot oem unlock
6. # wait for reboot
7. adb reboot bootloader
8. fastboot flash boot rootboot.img
9. fastboot reboot
10. # wait for reboot
11. adb remount
12. adb push su /system/bin
13. adb shell ln –s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su
14. adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
15. adb push Superuser.apk /system/app
Source: Android.net and koushikdutta.com
Be sure to check out our sister site @ Motorola Xoom Forum
Thanks to our tipster, Ictinike!
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