The Android 3.0/Honeycomb powered Motorola Xoom got top honors at CES last week, catching the coveted "Best Gadget of CES" award. It also won the "Best Tablet of CES" award. Motorola wasn't finished there, however. they also won in the "Best Smartphone of CES" category with their, also Android Powered, Atrix 4G Smartphone. The tech news website Cnet, which had editors pick the winners, is how The official CES awards were chosen.
Motorola Mobility chief software engineer Seang Chau had this to say regarding their victory, "We took big risks and they paid off. We didn't know if people would get it; but obviously they got it." Also, Motorola Mobility device team head Alain Mutricy had this to say, "This is really the next generation of tablets," as he held a Xoom in one hand at the awards ceremony, "Our partnership with Google has been very intense and has enabled some great technology."
Great technology indeed! Kudos to Motorola and "Andy'!
Source: Yahoo
by dgstorm