Motorola Droid Receiving Update for Xmas?

I signed up, we'll see what happens. Hopefully being an Exchange administrator means something to them.
I'm guessing Droid 2 users are not invited?

Well, you can join the feedback network..... But I don't think it would be too useful for Motorola to have Droid 2 users testing an update for the Droid 1.
I signed up for stuff like this months ago. This is the first offer I received from Moto.I better hurry up and get this. I was hoping for something for the X, but I'll take this. Glad I held on to me Droid 1.
Maybe they will do something about repeat notifications on Vmail & texts received Duh
Like the phone , but to me its a brick without that
I'm lovin this. Signing up!

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So I take us normal astro-droid err humans can't part take in this test run right? Besides I'm rooted who wants to mess that up right? Would be nice if someone around here could be in and let us know when humanly possible after all there's bound to be confideniality clauses right?

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Uhhhh, no - the whole point IS for normal users to take part in it. That's why they have a signup to begin with. Yes, there are confidentiality clauses; they make you agree to them in order to join the feedback team. It specifically tells you if you disagree, you won't be eligible to test software.
I signed up for stuff like this months ago. This is the first offer I received from Moto.I better hurry up and get this. I was hoping for something for the X, but I'll take this. Glad I held on to me Droid 1.

I'm thinking most likely it will be FRG83, which you can already download and install if you want.
so does this mean i can get the 3.0 update? i really want it. and i cant see any link to go to the site.
so does this mean i can get the 3.0 update? i really want it. and i cant see any link to go to the site.

Thats becuase 3.0 assuming you mean android 3.0 isnt out yet and probably wont be for several months. 2.3 is the next version to drop probably in the next several weeks. Rumors have it that Dec 6 we may hear more word.
Yes you Droid X should get 2.3 when it comes out. And even if it didn't I'm sure cyanogenmod or bugless will have you covered

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Maybe this'll fix our nasty redraws!!

God, I hope you're right. The home screen icon delay is a killer.
Wait a you mean when you go back to the home screen and its totally blank (except wallpaper), and the app drawer is totally empty too? And it takes a good 5 seconds for things to start appearing? I been trying to resolve that problem for months..
On multiple D1s...uninstalling apps, changing wallpapers and Widgets, etc. Its been driving me insane!

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A friend of mine got a Droid 2 about 1 1/2 months ago. He got Gingerbread update around 2 weeks ago.

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