This morning we have the latest exciting news leaks for the Moto X. According to Taylor Wimberly, the new Moto X will come with a very advanced new camera system, which includes Clear Pixel-like technology. Here's a quote with a breakdown of the technology we will supposedly see in the new Moto X:
As previously reported, the Moto X features a 10MP Clear Pixel camera, for enhanced low light performance. The pixel size is 1.4 microns, which is smaller than the HTC One (2.0), but larger than the GS4 (1.1). This special camera module also has x4HD Video capture, which bins 4 pixels together to create one perfect pixel. Video can be recorded in 1080p HD at 60 FPS and played back in slow motion at 30 FPS. Three microphones also enable 3D audio recording. Please +1 or share if you love marketing buzz words.
It's basically a form of oversampling in the HD video. This effectively means that 4 pixels will broken down to create 1 "perfect pixel." Intriguing. Of course, the rest of it seems to suggest that the camera sensor will be enhanced as well, which confirms earlier intel. Overall it's great to see Motorola step up to the plate in the camera department. How can one phone possibly have this many new/improved features?
Source: MotoXForums via Google+ Taylor Wimberly