Moto Droid or HTC Incredible


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
A few days ago, my Droid fell off a table while it was charging. It didn't hit the ground, but wrenched the plug/port where the charger connects to the phone and now the connection is sketchy and not as reliable as it was, but not THAT big of an issue.

I called Asurion to see about replacing my Droid and like I had read on these forums, I was told that I couldn't get another Moto Droid bc they're not manufactured anymore and that I could get either an Eris or Devour. I complained that those were not comparable phones and finally a supervisor agreed and said I could get an HTC Incredible instead.

The Incredible is on back order, but one I have one reserved to be sent to me when it does come in.

So in the mean time my question is should I take the Incredible or stick with my Droid? I know I can find comparisons online, but I want to hear what you guys have to say. I ask this with respect to all aspects of phone use as well as rooting and flashing ROMS (do Chevy01, Jrummy, Roberj13, etc all make ROMs for the Incredible, or would it use the same ROMs as on my Moto Droid??).

Thanks :greendroid:
If the keyboard isn't a big deal to you, take the incredible... better specs =)

Sent from my Droid