More Galaxy Nexus Release Rumors: Dec. 13th or 15th

I have it pre-ordered. The store said they expect shipment ans distro on the 15th. I'm sure they have been told that a half a dozen times now,.... but this is the first time I have been able to pre-order.
I have it pre-ordered. The store said they expect shipment ans distro on the 15th. I'm sure they have been told that a half a dozen times now,.... but this is the first time I have been able to pre-order.

So you paid for it already, I'm sure people would like to know how you did that :)
What's with the rumored release dates all being Thursdays? I have my only AM class on Thursdays. I guess I'll be store hopping since I don't get out until 10:30 =[
It has to be soon some vzw locations have cases and screen protectors like mine

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I just got off the phone with my local verizon store. the guy told me he was going to start selling the GNex on Monday. :) im going to have it b4 all u guys

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
So you paid for it already, I'm sure people would like to know how you did that :)

I have paid 299.99, signed up for a new 2 year contract, and have a receipt. All I had to do was ask to place a special order (aka verizon's round about way of placing a pre-order). They called the manager, he thought it was okay, so they processed it.
I have paid 299.99, signed up for a new 2 year contract, and have a receipt. All I had to do was ask to place a special order (aka verizon's round about way of placing a pre-order). They called the manager, he thought it was okay, so they processed it.

Pic??? Sorry but we wont believe it otherwise.
Hoping its the 13th! Don't wanna wait most of the week again.. makes school by so slow.

Sent from my DROID3 using DroidForums
Yeah I'd like to see a pic too. If it's true I'll be down at the local store placing my order too. :happy3:
Yeah, I've been waiting too long for some ice cream sandwich + nexus

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Called my two local stores and they have no information other than it's not for sale today.