More Galaxy Nexus Release Rumors: Dec. 13th or 15th


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Jan 24, 2010
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[UPDATE]More Galaxy Nexus Release Rumors: Dec. 15th

Just got off the phone with my local VZW store asking if the Samsung Galaxy Nexus would be releasing tomorrow. She told me that they just received an email regarding the Nexus. She knew that it had been pushed back and said the email had the exact dates, so she checked. She said it looks like there are two possible dates, December 13th or 15th. She read those dates straight from the email. Why there would be "two possible dates" in the email, I don't know. That's just the info I was able to get and figured I'd share.

UPDATE: Figured I would check in again. "The launch is definitely scheduled for the 15th, as long as it doesn't get pushed back again." Exact quote! Thursday is looking good!

Sent using common sense.
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Who knows at this point. Thanks for sharing the info though
No prob. I know everyone, including myself, is begging for info at this point. Just giving a heads up to my fellow android brethren lol

Sent using common sense.
We were just sent an e-mail from corporate announcing the 15th as the new launch date for the Nexus. Take the weekend off guys, and try to enjoy next week. The 15th will be a good day.
This is the 5th time they pushed this device. I'd just give up on it.

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Well about that. 15th is when the GNex will come out, 18th is my birthday, and 19th is when the Transformer Prime comes out. Happy me!
Dammit, my niece is flying in to town on the 14th to visit. I guess she's going with me on the morning of the 15th. I can't wait for the: "Wow, uncle, you're pretty hardcore about a phone" :)
Well, now we can look to the 15th, just to be disappointed when the 16th rolls around lol. There's a new rumored release date every week. Lame.
We're flying out of country on the 18th and won't be back until the 10th of January - hopefully the 15th rings true

The 15th would make more sense, being a Thursday.

It's funny, I've never encountered a company so adamant NOT to take my money lol

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Great, no pre order and I am leaving on a business trip 12/13 - 12/15. Hopefully there will be stock left on the morning of the 16th
I haven't heard anything on pre-order. I hope there isn't one, because employees can't pre-order devices (sadly). So I want you all to have to wait with me! :D Misery loves company.
"Uncle sbenson, its cold out here"
sbenson: "Man up! It's the Galaxy Nexus!!! If you kids can wait out in the cold for an iPhone, you can wait with me here for the G-Nexus!"

Dammit, my niece is flying in to town on the 14th to visit. I guess she's going with me on the morning of the 15th. I can't wait for the: "Wow, uncle, you're pretty hardcore about a phone" :)
I'm SO tired of this S*%t! I HAVE HELD THE PHONE... THEY ARE THERE... they are really screwing the pooch hardcore here. I know they don't want to, but does anyone remember that interview back in early November saying it would be released in November?? It's NOWHERE on ANY carrier... this is ridiculous. They had the press release thing for it back in mid October.. it's now two months later. Again, if I wasn't grandfathered into the unlimited data, I'd have jumped to ATT and gotten a GS2 about oh... 4 weeks ago. This is stupid.
Matias Duarte wasn't clear enough or was leaving room for Verizon to slide in quietly, but it was released in November but only in parts of Europe. Its sad that in the US we are forced to play the phone game.