With S-Off and Bootloader Unlock we have the potential to do whatever we want to do on our devices! We can flash custom recoveries, gain permanent superuser, install roms, install kernels, and so much more! If you have the need or desire to install a Rom designed for another carrier including stock RUU files for other carriers you will need Super CID. Super CID allows for the flashing of Roms and RUUs from any carrier. This is great on this device since the Verizon variant is carrier unlocked from the factory. You can actually use this phone on AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon. You may not get full data speeds on the GSM carriers but you can still get HSPA+ on AT&T and you will be able to get 4g on T-mobile. The process for Super CID is easy.
You will need to have the sdk installed on your PC or Mac, you should be able to get by with just the adb and fastboot files. You will want to make sure that USB debugging is turned on. Then you can connect your device to your PC and then type the following commands in Terminal.
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot oem writecid 11111111
You should get the following output if it has worked.
(bootloader) Start Verify: 0
(bootloader) Input CID is super CID
(bootloader) Start Verify: 0
OKAY [ 0.029s]
finished. total time: 0.029s
If for any reason you need to return your device back to the original CID just type the following command in terminal
fastboot oem writecid VZW__001