[Mod] 1% Battery Mod with Circle Battery Icons for ICS4BIONIC


New Member
Dec 2, 2011
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Sooooooo here it is....a 1% battery mod for ICS4BIONIC along with different battery graphics

UPDATED!! New stock-like battery graphics, along with a battery-only zip released

Thanks to:
dhacker29 for ICS4BIONIC - hashcode0f for Safestrap - he_stheone64 for graphics - gunnermike53 for graphics - nitroglycerine33 for the original mod

Please consider donating to the folks above

Special thanks to all beta testers and supporters

What this does: Allows Bionic to report battery in 1% increments in system/battery, and, if chosen below, will change the battery graphics on the notification bar as well.

For: ICS4BIONIC .902 release. Must be on 2/14 release.

Flash in: Safestrap. CWR should work, but is currently untested

Feedback: Feedback is always appreciated, to know it works and be able to address any issues
Version 1: Circle Mod Graphics
Download: via Mediafire - via Dropbox


Version 2: Stock Mod Graphics (thanks gunnermike53)
Download: via Mediafire - via Dropbox

Stock ICS Graphics (No Notification Bar Changes)
Download: via Mediafire - via Dropbox
System UI Not Working after flashing. Should I have wiped anything -- didn't see wiping instructions in the OP, but probably should have cleared cache or dalvik anyway. Suggestions?
Clearing cache and davik are always recommended, I can add to op

The issue can be fixed by just reflashing the ics zip again.

Can you be a bit more specific about 'not working' ?
Did you use the ICS4BIONIC for 902 2/14 version or a different release?

Thanks - I did have a series of folks test this before releasing (many didn't bother wiping), and this is the first issue that's come up
I'm on the 2.10.12 version. Been meaning to flash the 2.14 file, but haven't gotten around to that. If that's the problem, sorry if I raised a false red flag.

That was the whole message "System UI has stopped working" - I could see some widgets and could access most of the phone, but the notification bar had disappeared and my wallpaper had changed.

If I flash the 2.14 file, I presume I have to wipe everything (system, dalvik, cache, reformat system, etc?), and essentially start over?

Thanks for doing this -- funny how much of a difference having this battery mod makes!
a full wipe would help, I did test an old version on 2/10, but the systemUI was built from 2/14 so it's possible that it's conflicting

everyone testing was on 2/14 as well

in my personal case from 2/10 to 2/14, i did a TiBu and SMS backup on 2/10, then a full wipe (system, cache, dalvik, data) and then restored back

thanks for the feedback
Yea, I was just on 2-10 ICS4BIONIC and tried this. It also gave me a "System UI has stopped working" error.

So this is what I did:

1. Put the '2-14 ICS4BIONIC' & the '2-14 GApps' & the '1% battery mod' on my sdcard
2. booted into safestrap
3. wiped cache partition & wiped dalvik cache
4. flashed '2-14 ICS4BIONIC' & the '2-14 GApps' & the '1% battery mod' from my sdcard
5. rebooted

ICS then "Upgraded" by optimizing all of my apps.
Everything was fine after.

I really like this battery/graphic mod. The best part is that it flashes the current battery level while it's charging.
Thank you very much for this mod.
thank you for confirming the issue - and confirming that 2/14 would fix it...

op has been updated with that info, along with a new variation (similar to the stock icons but with percentages) and a 1%-only mod (no notification bar change, but will read 1% in system/battery)