Mini USB


New Member
Mar 4, 2010
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I have a couple of mini usb that fit my X. Would it be safe to use them on the X?
I have a adapter that plugs in to the car that accepts usb cable. Would it be ok to use this as my car charger?
I have heard both yes & no to these question.
What do you guys think?
i asked the girl at the verizon store i bought my X from a similar question because my old phone, EnV Touch, has the same kinda mini usb port for charging and i asked if i could use my old chargers, walla dn car, from that phone and she said yes..since they both fit. idk if this helps but its my 2cents lol
Mini's don't fit. These are micro usb's.
But, yes, you should be able to use any "normal" micro usb cord or charger.
I use those AC adapters that just have a usb port on them, and the same for cigarette lighters (rocketfish ones from bestbuy are good/cheap). And then I just use a usb cable to charge any of my devices. I just make sure to have micro/mini/whatever usb cable I need and I never have to worry about the charger.
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How hard is it for people to not get "mini" and "micro" mixed up, ugh...all the time.
How hard is it for people to not get "mini" and "micro" mixed up, ugh...all the time.
I saw the thread title and figured it was a post about those little mini to micro adapters that they have at tmobil for $9.99 (or is it $4.99?).
Thing you have to remember is just cause they fit does not mean they are the same. Different cables put out different power ratings. Have seen people on here that use different chargers and they made their battery get really hot and other that didn't charge at all. Just FYI