Media player very sluggish...


Nov 10, 2009
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So I just transferred about 8gb worth of music to my droid, and when I pull up the list of songs or artists, it takes a looooong time for it to fully load, and when I try browsing my songs, some of them still haven't showed up. Is this because of the sd card? Is it not fast enough to manage that many songs? Anyone know if this is something that can be fixed without having to buy a new faster card?
Once they are all loaded then I bet it runs better correct? 8 Gb is like 1000 songs or so.
i have 13 gigs of music on my card and it handles them just fine... no lagging or slowness what so ever.

keep in mind when you 1st load the music on the card your phone will pull all of the album covers off the internet and that could be causing the slowness at 1st. Give it some time to finish pulling and then try it again
The above posters are indeed correct. The first time you upload as much data to your phone as you did, it will take a bit to get the program running as it should. Once they are done, seeing as you likely uploaded in mass, restart your phone and go back into the application or media player and everything should be working as intended.