market downloading apps but not evan installing them


New Member
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
this is happening on all the gingerbread roms ive gotten except liquidgingerbread and it really sucks cuz i like alot of the roms but cant get no apps at all please help me
Lol......MIUI gets that bug alot. Never got it on UD though..

Sent from a Droid that has been flashed more times then a bead vendor at Mardi Gras.
Problem here too..
Works one out of ten times.

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I tried flashing back to PE and it's giving me the same problem. Anything that has to do with the market will not come back. I can't even use TiBu and recover the apps.
Yeah I kinda fixed it but it still ends up messing up sometimes its in all the gingerbread rom's except liquid gingerbread there's seems to work ultimate Droid also boot loops if you install the apps in the settings like gapps and recommended ones too but back to the market situation dose your guys download then disappear? And says for instance you download a free app how it says free after you download the app dose it still say that? But never installs? And you can't use back up settings it also messes with the market idle why but I was reading the script

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It's not a rom issue really. The new market just sucks. Only advice is just to keep trying.
It's not a rom issue really. The new market just sucks. Only advice is just to keep trying.

Makes sense. Seems to have been happening to me since I installed the new market. I literally have to sit and watch my apps download and install or they won't do it...

Play a jam!
Yeah same here but it installs them every now and then on its own but I'm starting to get pissed I might just figure out how to make a Tom and improve there Mistakes

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It's not a rom issue really. The new market just sucks. Only advice is just to keep trying.

Makes sense. Seems to have been happening to me since I installed the new market. I literally have to sit and watch my apps download and install or they won't do it...

Play a jam!

Yea I pretty much have to do the same thing sometimes. It seems like it has a harder time with the bigger apps. So I'll update/install those by themselves instead of a bunch of them at once.