Maps let me down again last night...


Silver Member
A couple of points. I've used GPS's in rental cars for years and have a number of amusing (now) stories of being misdirected by that sweet little lady who sits on my dash. For example, I was once directed to a vacant lot in Long Beach when I was looking for a hotel in downtown LA.

I've found a few anomalies in the Google Nav system. Here in the Seattle area we have a street grid with numeric avenues running N/S and numeric streets running E/W. They're all numbered from a central point in downtown Seattle, so one can find oneself looking for an address at the corner of 124th Ave NE and NE 124th St. This is confusing enough to locals, much less to the map app. So I've found the Nav app gets confused when trying to distinguish between 205th Ave and 205th Place, especially when the cross street is NE 205th Street.

In short, I'm extremely grateful to find the Nav App gets me close to where I'm headed, especially since $1000 GPS's frequently have the same problem that the free app in my DROID encounters.


New Member
It's try that there may be a few problems with the Google Map database but the fact is the application and turn by turn navigation are FREE and that even with stand alone GPS systems there are flaws. If you don't like the way Google Maps is performing maybe a better option for you would be a stand alone system. Just my 2 pennies worth


New Member
oops, I should really learn how to type, should have said it's true not try. Oh well I will blame it on lack of sleep.

I learned how to use it. I R SMRT
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i've reported two address issues to google through their online tool, but haven't heard anything back.

in one instance they had a pizza shop shown about 2 miles from where it really was, and in the other a vet's office was over 5 miles off. in both cases the maps application recognized the address and located it where it thought it was. for example i mapped little ceasars pizza located at 819 forest parkway, ga, 30297. google maps has the location wrong but yahoo maps has it right.

in the meantime i've resorted to double checking google maps against yahoo maps and i also use street view or satellite view to try and verify the location before i set off navigating.

although google maps may be right a large percentage of the time i agree they need to be more vigilant in correcting address mistakes and updating their database. nothing is perfect, but there's also nothing wrong with setting high expectations and standards. if other mapping applications have some of these things correctly i'm not sure why google doesn't. that said, always double check before navigating.


so i have had this same thing happen to me several times... a few i was ridding shotgun and was not the DD for that night.

ive determined that to get the best results you have to search for the item from CAR HOME. then click get directions and select maps, then click go! and confirm the address is in that little "To:" box. I have searched it from several other places and found that sometimes it does kill the address number and puts you in the middle of the street. SUCKS.

In the end when i follow the above steps i have not had one problem. Also when you click go it shows you the turn by turn and if you scroll down to the bottom you can always confirm that the address is showing correctly. If you forget to do that u can always click the menu you button and then route info and then click the little box in the lower left side of the screen.

Hope this helps!
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Whatever happened to using your eyes? Be happy your PHONE could direct you to the street that its on... After that, just look for the big well lit sign with its name on it.

Hmm, so now we should not expect the software to do what it's designed to do? :::scratching head:::

It's funny, when someone says a negative thing about ANYTHING having to do with a Droid (or Google), everyone makes excuses for them. This is a problem Google should fix. They have had a problem with their database for YEARS. I know this because I've been using Google maps for YEARS and have run into the same kinds of problems for YEARS. So why, exactly, should I cut them slack?

It's a NAVIGATION program which they claim NAVIGATES to various places (including an address). It's not designed to take me to the street so I can, "use my eyes," to find what I'm looking for. It's designed to take me DIRECTLY to the address I am looking for. If it doesn't do this, then it should be fixed.
sounds like you're unhappy with your purchase. you should consider moving on to another product and/or using a different service.

if this isn't an option for you, you should learn how these things work. people aren't making excuses so much as you're not willing to hear the reasoning.

google maps may be incomplete for your area. you should submit a request to have your area updated. they do review those requests.

as far as using the phone for a gps navigation unit, i've had plenty of other SPECIFIC gps units give me a wrong turn, send me down the wrong end of a road, or completely botch the directions altogether. it's still an emerging technology and should improve substantially over the next 10 years.

10 years ago, relying on internet maps was YOUR fault.
Ok, first of all, where (exactly) did I say I was unhappy with my purchase? In fact, I said I love Maps except they have not fixed their database.

Second, it's not just incomplete for my area (which, btw, is about 10 miles from NYC so if it was just incomplete, well, that's a problem for more than just me), it's a problem with their database as others have reported in other areas.

Third, you're not reasoning, you're making excuses for a flaw in a product. What have I not listened to? What workaround has been suggested to this problem? A workaround would be reasoning, what has been provided has been excuses.

And, relying on Google Maps on the Internet was my fault? What was my fault? That they haven't fixed their database for years? Oh wait, these Internet mapping programs use the same databases gps systems use so what, exactly, would you suggest?

This attitude is the true definition of fanboy. No matter what problems arise with the product, make excuses and tell the person reporting the problem it's their fault. Riiiiiiiight...


It's try that there may be a few problems with the Google Map database but the fact is the application and turn by turn navigation are FREE and that even with stand alone GPS systems there are flaws. If you don't like the way Google Maps is performing maybe a better option for you would be a stand alone system. Just my 2 pennies worth

Again, whether it's free or not has no bearing on the situation. It's a product which is supposed to do something. It does it 95%ish of the time. Unfortunately, when it doesn't do it, that's a problem. If this were a new problem, I'd say, as many of you say, "Oh, it's something they'll work out." Unfortunately, they've had this problem with their database for many years now. No amount of reporting has fixed it.

It is a free application, however, is it truly free? Gotta buy a phone to load it. Gotta pay for a plan to use it. So, although you're not buying the program from Google, you are, in fact paying for it.

Now, does this mean I think it's a POS? Absolutely not. However, if we don't complain when something doesn't work correctly, how are they going to know to fix it. Making excuses about it being free or beta or whatever isn't going to make it better.

Having been a product manager in a past lifetime. It was nice hearing from people telling me how great a product was. However, it was much more useful when someone told me something didn't work or should be made better in some way. That's how products are made better. Not by putting our heads in the sand and just dealing with the issue.


Silver Member
Ok, first of all, where (exactly) did I say I was unhappy with my purchase? In fact, I said I love Maps except they have not fixed their database.

Second, it's not just incomplete for my area (which, btw, is about 10 miles from NYC so if it was just incomplete, well, that's a problem for more than just me), it's a problem with their database as others have reported in other areas.

Third, you're not reasoning, you're making excuses for a flaw in a product. What have I not listened to? What workaround has been suggested to this problem? A workaround would be reasoning, what has been provided has been excuses.

And, relying on Google Maps on the Internet was my fault? What was my fault? That they haven't fixed their database for years? Oh wait, these Internet mapping programs use the same databases gps systems use so what, exactly, would you suggest?

This attitude is the true definition of fanboy. No matter what problems arise with the product, make excuses and tell the person reporting the problem it's their fault. Riiiiiiiight...
i was making an observation. the attitude portrayed in your postings dislpay a level of frustration that cannot be resolved in any other way than "fixing" your neighborhood.

the problem isn't the database so much as it is the mapping algorithms. the Maps app is still a Beta program so there will definitely be flaws. whether or not the online version expresses the same behavior, I can't speak to that as I've never had a problem with it.

and this is not me being a fanboy. i never said DROID > * or made any reference to it being your fault, etc., etc. take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

instead of griping on forums that have nothing to do with maps or Google, send them an email or open a support incident. at least if you open a support incident, you can post the ticket here and have followers with the same issues bump and prioritize the issue.


i was making an observation. the attitude portrayed in your postings dislpay a level of frustration that cannot be resolved in any other way than "fixing" your neighborhood.
Where have I portrayed an attitude that I hate my Droid? Please show me because I'm stumped at that one. I've complained about the issues with Maps and complained (in another thread) about issues with Google Voice. Again, if people don't complain, how are they going to know there's a problem?

I've also said (MANY more times) I have been happy with my Droid. The best phone I've ever owned, etc. Read up before making a generalization about someone please.

the problem isn't the database so much as it is the mapping algorithms. the Maps app is still a Beta program so there will definitely be flaws. whether or not the online version expresses the same behavior, I can't speak to that as I've never had a problem with it.
Semantics. Whether it's the database (which, btw, DOES have problems) or the algorithm, there are problems. And please spare me the, "it's beta," argument. I hear that all of the time and it's a ridiculous argument. So, when your Gmail account has a problem do you just think, "Oh, it's beta so I'll live with it,"? ALL Google software is beta. That's not an excuse. It's an application they released and have used to help Verizon push sales of it. So whether they call it a beta or not makes no difference. Besides, what's beta software for? To test. When someone finds a problem with beta software, you mention it. They (hopefully) fix it. That would be what I'm doing.

and this is not me being a fanboy. i never said DROID > * or made any reference to it being your fault, etc., etc. take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Droid or no you're making it seem like Google is perfect here and nobody should question a (known) problem with their product(s). That's what I'm referring to with the fanboy comment.

instead of griping on forums that have nothing to do with maps or Google, send them an email or open a support incident. at least if you open a support incident, you can post the ticket here and have followers with the same issues bump and prioritize the issue.

Well first of all, I've posted in the appropriate Google support area. Done that for many problems in the past. Guess how much of a response I've gotten from Google...ever? Yet I do post because, as I mentioned, we need to let them know about problems so they have the opportunity to fix them. Posting here only exposes it to them more.

Where, excactly, can I open a support ticket? I've not seen an area like that for any Google software. Had I seen it, I would have (also) posted there.

My point is, you seem to think I'm bashing the phone, the application, etc. When, in fact, I am not. Maps let me down. It has let others down. It's not a secret they have issues they need to fix. Read any of the many reviews, they almost always mention Maps led them wrong or takes them on a longer route, etc. Again, they are using the same database/algorithms they have used for Maps online which have exhibited the same problems for YEARS. They have chosen not to fix it or they can't fix it either one. Maps having problems like this is a fact, not opinion.

I'll say it again...slower this time...I still think my Droid is the best phone I've ever owned. I still think the concept of Maps is an awesome concept and I used it all of the time. However, it does not mean I don't have some complaints about things.

I was not aware you aren't allowed to post something negative regarding a Droid, Android, Maps, etc....


"Well first of all, I've posted in the appropriate Google support area. Done that for many problems in the past. Guess how much of a response I've gotten from Google...ever?"

Where did you post it? I used the link on the map ('Report a problem' in the lower right corner of the map) and they got back to me within few days,



"Well first of all, I've posted in the appropriate Google support area. Done that for many problems in the past. Guess how much of a response I've gotten from Google...ever?"

Where did you post it? I used the link on the map ('Report a problem' in the lower right corner of the map) and they got back to me within few days,

Posted it in their help area under the appropriate area. Lots of other threads about just this sort of problem...with no response from Google. They do, in fact, respond to certain questions in those areas as I've posted about other issues with other products and gotten responses before.


UMMMMM HELLLO google naivgations is still BETA so bring your issues to them not here I can only say from experience google nav has been on the money for me in accuracy and for the traffice layers works awesome for my daily trips to NYC estimated travel times with traffic included are on the money...


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Every time I speak "Navigate to" I get a web browser with a google search for Navigate to.

I speak "Directions to" and this works well.

If you do it from car home it will work every time.
So, is it "Directions To" or "Navigate to" or does it matter? If I said "Directions to 51 North Main Street, York, PA" would it find it whereas if I typed it in, it might not find it?

I finally got a car dock today from VZW. I already had a cigarette lighter charger from my Storm which works good so opted for it instead of the Best Buy car dock. I'm just now starting to use the maps. Today I was in the car, hit "view map" and started driving, however it didn't follow me as I was moving. Don't know if I was to do something else or not. The other problem I had was I couldn't play Slacker and use the maps at the same time, kept getting a FC on Slacker (and iheartradio and Pandora). My gut instinct is there were too many things running and affected the ability to multi task. I just went back to the stock home screen for a bit to see if that fixes the problem with not being able to listen to music and the maps at the same time.


"Well first of all, I've posted in the appropriate Google support area. Done that for many problems in the past. Guess how much of a response I've gotten from Google...ever?"

Where did you post it? I used the link on the map ('Report a problem' in the lower right corner of the map) and they got back to me within few days,

Posted it in their help area under the appropriate area. Lots of other threads about just this sort of problem...with no response from Google. They do, in fact, respond to certain questions in those areas as I've posted about other issues with other products and gotten responses before.
Don't see inside Google's mind but it seems like it's better to report a map problem using 'Report a problem' in the map itself (since I got a response).
