Madden 11


New Member
Oct 10, 2010
Reaction score
I bought Madden 11 on my droid x but it will not show up anywhere. any1 else have this problem or know whats wrong with it?
hmmm...did you read the comment section? others are having the same issue, one claims its fake and may be designed to collect info about you and your i would think the developer would be EA Mobile, but it says Appvision. Also the size of the app is only 28KB, which is waaaaaaay too small to be a mobile game. If I were you, i'd uninstall it :blink:
Yep you got hosed my friend, you need to uninstall it immediately and keep an eye on your credit card you used to pay for the app.
ahh. new to the whole droid world. should have noticed its not ea. thanks
not to mention it would definitely be more than does one report this dev?
i went to the market, found the app, and clicked 'flag as inappropriate' and just said it was false advertisement and not an actual game. Surprised its actually still in the market. It has 100-500 downloads already.
yeah seriously. cant believe its still in the market. i reported it the day they put it on the market, and still nothing. get it together google.
Just checked the market and its not there anymore. Looks like its been removed.

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