Madden 2010 App


New Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Hi - I'm looking for anyone that knows anything about a potential Madden 2010 app that is coming to the Android Market. I was using a friend of mine's Iphone and the Madden 2010 app they have for that was pretty sweet. Can't be too hard to get one on the Android Marketplace, right??

Thanks! :icon_ banana:
It is for the Online Franchise mode... it allows you to track your Online Franchises and make trades, look at rosters, check scores, etc.

Probably should have included that in the original post!! :icon_eek:

It is for the Online Franchise mode... it allows you to track your Online Franchises and make trades, look at rosters, check scores, etc.

Probably should have included that in the original post!! :icon_eek:

At this point I would be surprised if we see an app for Madden 2010, likely for 2011, but 2010 is old news so not much pressure for the app. I didn't personally get into the 2010 online franchises much because it is so hard to get time with someone else to sit down and play and lag generally ruins the game anyway, at least when I was playing. So I just stick to me myself and I offline mode.
It is for the Online Franchise mode... it allows you to track your Online Franchises and make trades, look at rosters, check scores, etc.

Probably should have included that in the original post!! :icon_eek:


ahhh alright wasn't sure because i have seen a game on the iphone for madden....didn't understand who would want to play madden on their phone though. ;)
It is for the Online Franchise mode... it allows you to track your Online Franchises and make trades, look at rosters, check scores, etc.

Probably should have included that in the original post!! :icon_eek:


ahhh alright wasn't sure because i have seen a game on the iphone for madden....didn't understand who would want to play madden on their phone though. ;)

EHEM... Football and Madden lovers who happen to own Droids and hate the Iphone. Yes there are many quite like me. They really should release a Madden 11' app this year.

I'm not talking about the online franchise bull$. I mean the game itself, which is pretty fantastic about the Iphone. Why not Droid? It should be able to DO Madden as well and to be honest most of the games in the marketplace are pure crap.