Yes, many people have this problem. The only way to get Verizon and Motorola to fix the problem is to call Verizon and Motorola tech support to document the problem, to try their suggestions, and to report to them whether your low volume/bad speaker problem persists on your Droid X. I give detailed but simple instructions on how to do this in link (5) below, but also see the info in link (4) below.
But first, begin by checking out this
poll on the Droid X low volume/speaker problem:
Poll for Droid X users on whether they have the volume problem:
Thursday Poll: Experiencing Volume Issues With Your DROID X? | Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
There are Android, Droid, and Verizon webpages/forums reporting this problem all over the internet (including several on this forum). Here are two of the main threads on the problem:
Droid X bad speaker volume
3) Veri
zon community forum on the Droid X bad speaker volume
Volume issue on new Droid X - Verizon Wireless Community
Here is one especially informative reply/post on the matter:
5) Here are detailed but simple instructions about what people need to do in order to get Verizon and Motorola tech support to fix ths problem (note that the first two links in the post below are not up to date and are superceded by the two links at (2) and (3) above:
Special Post on How to Make Progress with the Alleged Low Volume Speaker Problem