stick to the more informed threads on this topic,we need your input,but first read up
what to do about volume/speaker problem
There are already several main forum threads for reporting and documenting experiences with the Droid X low volume/speaker problem. Here are two of them:
Droid X Speaker Volume
Volume issue on new Droid X - Verizon Wireless Community
Also, here are two informative posts about the matter:
Special Post on How to Make Progress with the Alleged Low Volume Speaker Problem
One of the links at (4) above it out of date. So please use and follow the links at (1) and (2) above. Also, please pay special attention to the information in reply (3) above . It is reprinted here:
Please listen up regarding this issue:
1) This is a batch by batch, and/or a unit by unit, issue/problem. Some Droid X batches/units have the problem and some do not.
2) Verizon tech support does not care about forum postings by consumers, including those posted on their own forums.
3) The only way to get this problem solved is by calling Verizon and/or Motorola tech support and documenting this problem with them.
4) Roughly, Verizon does not do anything but maintain their network and sell phones. If there is going to be a fix, it will come from Motorola at the request of Verizon (if Verizon receives and documents a sufficient number of customers reporting the problem/issue).
5) Whether this is hardware or a firmware problem, and whether it only affects certain Droid X batches/units, a firmware update that increases the volume potential on all Droid X units will either solve or help the problem.
6) Verizon will go ahead with (5) above if enough people convince their tech support people that there is a serious issue/problem with the volume of the speakerphones on many Droid X batches/units, which appears to be the case from all the postings on all the forums.
So please call Verizon (and/or Motorola) if you experience this problem with your Droid X. Follow their instructions. If the problem persists, clearly and repeatedly tell them so: tell them so clearly and repeatedly, but politely and civilly.
Some people are beginning to report that some Verizon tech support people "know about" the problem. Nonetheless, many Verizon tech support people are still saying that they know of no such issue/problem and that Verizon does not officially acknowledge the problem, and that they have no knowledge of anyone working on a fix for this problem. So, please, call in those reports, get the problem documented, and so on!
Hope everyone is otherwise enjoying their Droid Xs.