Lotus Notes Mail?


New Member
Dec 2, 2009
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Roswell, GA
I would appreciate some opinions on how to get my Lotus Notes mail on my Droid.

I have searched and found there are several packages out there. It appears you have to hook your Droid to a PC and then sync it, so it appears wireless syncing is out of the question.
My company uses Blackberrys to have realtime Notes mail. I can live with the connection and then reading.

I don't want to pay allot or have to go through all sorts of setup and management.

So, I would appreciate opinions on how to accomplish this.

Thanks,:icon_ banana:
In Notes, create a mail rule to forward all messages in your Notes Inbox to your gmail account:

When: all documents
Perform the following actions: Send full copy to ____@gmail.com
That seems to be a great way to accomplish what I am trying to do!

I appreciate you taking time to provide the information.
Also, you can keep your Notes and Google calendars more-or-less in sync by using invitations when you create calendar events. In Notes, add your gmail address as an invitee to events and in Google, add your gmail account as an invitee. Then set up Notes and GMail to autoprocess invitations. Not perfect but functional and it works across a corporate firewall since everything happens via email. Nothing else I looked at (syncing software) was acceptable to corporate IT.
You might want to check to be sure your not violating corp security rules.
If offered by your IT department, you may also have Notes access via Lotus iNotes through your phone browser. iNotes can provide access to your Notes webmail account including Email (read, create, reply); read-only calendar; and contacts.
If offered by your IT department, you may also have Notes access via Lotus iNotes through your phone browser. iNotes can provide access to your Notes webmail account including Email (read, create, reply); read-only calendar; and contacts.
We have the same situation. Our enterprise has a server for the Blackberry support, but nothing right now for Droids and iPhones.

The above method using Lotus iNotes is the only current approved way Droid and iPhone users can use to get Lotus Notes. It actually works quite well and I like it a lot . It doesn't save the user ID and password so there is less security risk if you lose or have you phone stolen.

If you need any help with the URL feel free to PM me.

I had gotten into the routine of setting up a meeting in Notes and then going to my Gmail calendar and entering the same information.
It will save typos and time to just include myself on the invitation, so the calendars will be together.
And, good advice on checking with IT on forwarding my mail.
I will do that before forwarding.

I appreciate the suggestions on this issue!
"It Depends . . . "

Accessing your Lotus Notes mail from the Droid (or any other device, for that matter) will depend on your Lotus Domino Administrator and your corporate policies. If your administrator has enabled POP or IMAP, you can get your mail that way. You can also use the Droid's browser to access your mail using iNotes (the Lotus Notes webmail interface). But the best method is to use Lotus Traveler and Touchdown (for now).

Lotus Traveler is a free "Add-on" to the Lotus Domino server that will provide you with over-the-air synchronization of your mail, Contacts, Calendar, and "To Do's." Touchdown ($9.99 to buy, free for 30 days) will fill the hole in Lotus Traveler specific to the Droid. However, later this year, Traveler 8.5.2 will be released, which will include native Droid support.

There are alternatives, but it all depends on your Lotus Administrator (and corporate data access policies). I've included some links for you. I hope that this has helped.

IBM Lotus Notes mobile email - Lotus Notes Traveler

Ed Brill

Welcome to NitroDesk, Inc. (Touchdown app)
More good suggestions, I appreciate them!
I did start sending my meeting invitations to my GMail account with the auto acceptance. That works well and saves having to enter them the second time.

I am going to check with our IT people and make sure I am not violating some policy by forwarding my mail.
Appreciate the help.