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LookOut Mobile Security (AntiVirus, BackUp, Remote Phone Lockdown)


New Member
First I would like to start off by saying I am new to this site, but I feel I have a lot to offer on this subject.

LookOut Mobile Security Percs:
:heart: Free App for :greendroid:

:heart: Anti-Virus that can be customized (daily, weekly, what part of the day you want it to scan) If you keep Anti-Virus turned on it will also auto scan any new downloads.

:heart: Data Backup. This includes all your contacts, call log, and any pictures on your phone. Also can be customized as to when you would like this backup to take place. (I have 148 contacts and it takes less than 2 minutes to back up)

:heart: Missing Device Based on wireless networks, and GPS you are able to make your phone go nuts, or even LOCK IT DOWN if it is lost or stolen. This is VERY handy if you have contacts that you wish not to share with others if they obtain your phone. It is also very handy if you have a G/F who always gets pissed because she loses her phone. haha

:lifting: :lifting: :lifting: :lifting:


I read all the comments and for the most part everyone has said the same thing. Why do you need an anti-virus for a Linux based system. Viruses on Linux are rare and far inbetween however if you relate yourself at least some with Technology trends you will know Linux (even though an older Operating system, and generally less user friendly for computer retards) is becoming more and more popular. I have many friends over seas and here in the USA that have dual operating systems on there PC. All I am saying is take precaution before you have a problem.

Second. LookOut Mobile Security is the top ranking mobile security app. for phones. The company is worth more than 11million dollars. (don't believe me search it, how many other apps you use have that kind of capital) LookOut Mobile Security also does not just support Android systems. Around 18 months ago I purchased a BlackJack II. This phone was CRAP but a smart phone all the same, and one of the better ones when I obtained it. The BlackJack II uses Windows Mobile. My phone was version 2.0 then updated to 2.1, they now are up to version 6.5 to work better with Windows 7.
The reason why this is important is because the apps you obtain on your android you can also get with Windows Mobile. Maybe more virus chances with windows?

Either way the back up is worth obtaining this free software. If you lose your device or upgrade all you have to do is go to


and restore all your contacts.
Ya it has been around for a very long time. It used to be under a different name but LookOut Mobile Security actually bought out the other company.

I only have 2 issues now.

First on my windows mobile phone LookOut had a firewall option. Very handy for when you are in open WiFi locations and people are ****ing around with your phone. lol

Second is on my windows mobile phone LookOut would back up all my SMS(TXT) messages. This was very important to me as it can be used as evadince in court. (My phone is Business > Personal)
As I stated in the other thread about antivirus, I don't see the point of using your phone's resources to scan for viruses that don't exist. There are no known Android viruses.
You may be right in general, but it only scans on installs/updates, so you're not wasting resources constantly, even if it is a waste. Plus the other features aren't virus related.

You are wrong in specifics, do you read no tech blogs or follow no tech news? The recent trojan (I think it was in Russia) with the fake MMS app that texted premium porn sites was a huge hit with podcasters and blogs everywhere.
As I stated in the other thread about antivirus, I don't see the point of using your phone's resources to scan for viruses that don't exist. There are no known Android viruses.

And as I previously stated the only reason why viruses are "RARE" on the Android is because it is based off the Linux operating system. Because you see more Windows users than Linux you see an influx in viruses made for Windows.

However if you think just because you run Linux that you will never have a virus you are wrong. Linux is a better OS for programmers. Right now Linux is unable to run 64bit processors, but again like previously stated Linux will become more popular and you will see an equal influx in security issues.

I have the Samsung Captivate and I have the overclock hack and am pushing almost 1.2GHz and when it does a full system scan I notice very little lag.

However when I download new apps I do not experience any lag issues at all. And if worst comes to worst back your stuff up once a week, and kill the App for the rest of the week. Resource problem solved. lol
You are wrong in specifics, do you read no tech blogs or follow no tech news? The recent trojan (I think it was in Russia) with the fake MMS app that texted premium porn sites was a huge hit with podcasters and blogs everywhere.

No, you are wrong in specifics. A virus is not the same thing as a trojan. No antivirus program will protect someone if they make a habit of installing untrusted software.

There are no known Android viruses. What's the heck is this software scanning for?
You might think I'm arguing, but I just want to point out some things.

And as I previously stated the only reason why viruses are "RARE" on the Android

Viruses are extremely rare on Android. In fact, they don't exist at all.

However if you think just because you run Linux that you will never have a virus you are wrong. Linux is a better OS for programmers.

Linux is better for programmers? What does that mean? In what way? Why does that matter? If an Android virus ever does come about, then I'll worry about it. Until then, antivirus on Android is a waste.

Right now Linux is unable to run 64bit processors,

Your statement is simply incorrect. Google it

Linux will become more popular and you will see an equal influx in security issues.

UNIX-based systems are inherently more secure than Windows systems. They were designed from the ground up to isolate tasks from each other. If the number of Linux security issues ever equal the number of Windows issues I'll eat my hat.

I have the Samsung Captivate and I have the overclock hack and am pushing almost 1.2GHz and when it does a full system scan I notice very little lag.

You'd notice less lag if it didn't scan for viruses that don't exist.

kill the App for the rest of the week. Resource problem solved. lol

Are you advocating using a task killer?

The argument is that AntiVirus is a waste... let's say it is for a second. Then what's a bigger waste/hassle, running one app or several apps that individualize each feature of this program?

With everything that is on my phone and what I do on the net I'd rather not be the 1st wave to discover a sleeper virus that's tracing keystrokes while the purest argue the lack of need... all my friends still believe Apple is virus free too.

I've never been in a car wreak but I still wear a seatbelt and with the exception of the new seatbelt laws everyone can do whatever they want so you're a purest or paranoid who cares. If you get in a wreak you die not me. :D

For the record this thread seems like an add which I don't like and I'm not convinced of this app in particular I just believe there will be/is a need.
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Windows has always been the low hanging fruit, the most popular and available O/S. Linux has been a smaller player, used by techies and therefore less attractive to hackers. Droid appears to be growing by leaps and bounds. It is not restricted to techies. It will become attractive and receive more attention.
1) Install Lookout
2) Back up your information, data, contacts, and texts.
3) Uninstall Lookout.
Why uninstall? I installed this app simply for it's ability to find my phone. I am a mobile me subscriber pretty much for this reason alone and now that I've switched, having the ability is good. I didn't install it for the anti-virus BS but I don't see why one would uninstall it. The app will scan your phone but it doesn't do it constantly without provocation as far as I know.
I installed Lookout as it has been the most reliable app to track, lockdown, and find (via alarm) my phone. So, I keep it for that reason.

It doesn't hurt that it scans for [who knows what] when I install a new app.

The backup feature is nice; but, seeing as everything is already backed-up to my Google account, I don't see any reason to use except for redundancy.

My phone doesn't seem any slower without it running, either.

I have it rooted, optimized, odexed Stock FRG22D OCd to 800MHz which is plenty of power for a Droid1. After obsessing over getting every bit of power/speed out of my D1, I took it back to these settings and just installed all the apps I want to use to make my phone work the way I want it...even if it makes the battery not last quite as long or makes it lag one extra second on unlock.
What I can tell you is the best deffense against the faces of evil and gannon, is to root, have Titanium Backup, DroidWall, Remote Wipe, Google Voice and some kind of antivirus app like antivirus pro, as well as OS monitor and photo vault

Always look at the permissions espesialy for root and apps from outside US. Some apps don't need internet access except for updates in the market. Photo vault can encrypt your photos and I know there is a video one. You can freeze apps with TB, monitor their net loctations with the OS monitor, block incoming and outgoing packets with droidwall, google voice can send free text messeges using your google number and avoids complications of fees, remote wipe..well that's it it comes to the worst.

MyVerizon app has tons of permissions that give it near big brother capabilities, beware of big business apps with lots of permissions. Now I'm paranoid so you don't have to do all this but I recomend it highly and I hope others can add to this