Hello, I am switching to the HTC Incredible from Pocket PC. As old school Windows Mobile 6.1 on a Dell Axim may seem, it did some things very well. I am a very heavy Outlook user. I have several hundred contacts that I have sorted by Company Name, then contact name. This worked without flaw between Outlook 2010 and Pocket Informant.
Now, while using this Incredible, I have never ever been so frustrated. First I tried to sync using gSynct to Gmail, Gmail down to the phone. Wow, what a mess, contacts renamed and moved around. Of course, it then rearranged my contacts in Outlook. I spent hours trying to comb my contact list. After trying several times, I gave up. A contact such as John Doe at Bank of America Network Infrastructure Division would get named:
First Name: America
Last Name: Bank
Surname: John Doe
Company: Division Infrastructure
So, I tried using HTC sync, but more of the same. So, along come Companion Link, wow, big difference. Everything synced properly until Google got into the loop. If I don’t sync CL to Android, my contacts more or less are stable and proper. At the same time, I seem to lose my ring tones, and my dialing does not seem right. If I have CL for two way syc of contacts, then Android messes up Outlook.
Next fun was to add the Calendar. Wow, I never imagined calendar syc would go so wrong. I am not sure if it was a problem with CL, Outlook, or the Froyo 2.2 update, but my calendar events are a mess now, looks like recurring events. Many of my events doubled, even worse, many things moved a few days such as my anniversary, my wife’s birthday, payday reminders and so forth. I am not a big fan of the Deja calendar because it does not show a description of the event, just a filled in box on a calendar.
So I am asking, what are the preferred recommendations on sync.
It would be nice if Phone address book, Outlook, Gmail all have the same data, coded properly and so forth. Calendar from Outlook to show properly on phone, and again Gmail.
I understand I might be asking for too much, it seems like Android was not ready for business use. Any rule of thumb you can suggest?
Now, while using this Incredible, I have never ever been so frustrated. First I tried to sync using gSynct to Gmail, Gmail down to the phone. Wow, what a mess, contacts renamed and moved around. Of course, it then rearranged my contacts in Outlook. I spent hours trying to comb my contact list. After trying several times, I gave up. A contact such as John Doe at Bank of America Network Infrastructure Division would get named:
First Name: America
Last Name: Bank
Surname: John Doe
Company: Division Infrastructure
So, I tried using HTC sync, but more of the same. So, along come Companion Link, wow, big difference. Everything synced properly until Google got into the loop. If I don’t sync CL to Android, my contacts more or less are stable and proper. At the same time, I seem to lose my ring tones, and my dialing does not seem right. If I have CL for two way syc of contacts, then Android messes up Outlook.
Next fun was to add the Calendar. Wow, I never imagined calendar syc would go so wrong. I am not sure if it was a problem with CL, Outlook, or the Froyo 2.2 update, but my calendar events are a mess now, looks like recurring events. Many of my events doubled, even worse, many things moved a few days such as my anniversary, my wife’s birthday, payday reminders and so forth. I am not a big fan of the Deja calendar because it does not show a description of the event, just a filled in box on a calendar.
So I am asking, what are the preferred recommendations on sync.
It would be nice if Phone address book, Outlook, Gmail all have the same data, coded properly and so forth. Calendar from Outlook to show properly on phone, and again Gmail.
I understand I might be asking for too much, it seems like Android was not ready for business use. Any rule of thumb you can suggest?