Looking for a new rom


Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
I am currently running EncounterICS beta 3. I like it for the most part but I am getting horrible battery life and missing my camera more than I thought I would. I can but I really don't want to SBF back to anything. Are there any rooms I can flash without SBFing and going through that drawn out process? What one would you recommend? Before flashing EncounterICS I was running latest stock of .605 with a .13p radio.

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There's actually quite a few you can try cm7gb, ssx2.2, apex rc4, shuji2.5, liberty 3v2.0, liquid 3.2, vortex rc1, miui and probably a couple more. Just do a search of any of those roms and read thru the threads for info such as installation instructions and things that work and things that don't on the rom. If a fully functional rom with great battery life is important to you i would give vortex a try http://www.DroidXForums.com/forum/vortex/39892-rom-vortex-rc1.html but like i said check out the threads and decide for yourself. Everyone has a different opinion. I like encounter ics myself but the nonworking camera is a deal breaker for me and i have serious doubts it will get fixed. Whichever rom you choose do not use droid2 bootstrap to get in recovery from ics or you will have to sbf. Use your power button to reboot and when you see the blue led light flash press your volume down button then select recovery and then select latest (use your power button to select) that will get you in clockwork recovery. Instructions should be here also for getting in recovery http://www.DroidXForums.com/forum/i...-rom-cm9-encounterics-x-beta-3-stability.html

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You can also run any .596 or .595 based ROM

Galnet MIUI
I will give vortex a try, I just wish I could keep ics gapps
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