Locale worth $10?

I got it when it was free and it didn't work then. I certainly wouldn't pay $10 for it.
yea i got mine for the price of on the house haha
Locale is a dandy program. But all in all it only saves about 5 minutes per week. I love it, but also got the beta (The free one). I'd say that it is worth 10 bucks if you get out a lot. Otherwise it's just a fancy alarm clock app.

I have mine set up to vibrate/dim screen at local theaters, vibrate and send an 'I'm in class' txt to people who call/txt me while I'm on campus/work, switch wallpapers based on time of day, go into a dimmed screen/gps and wifi off mode when it gets below 30% charge and finally to go full bright screen on plug in.

Like I said, it is worth it to me, but that "it" is free XD
I downloaded it and constantly uses it.... good thing I got it for free!
I like it so far. I use the settings to adjust profiles and sound for when I am at work. I think if you take the time to set it up it works great...
I think Ill start a new thread, asking if there is any app worth more than a couple bucks.

Every I've loaded one of the more expensive ones I haven't felt I'd get my moneys worth and returned it.
I had it when it was free. I didn't have it set up right so although my phone was on Vibrate for calls at church, it gave a loud DRROOOIIIIDDDD when it received an email. It also seemed to lag for several minutes before it became aware it was where I wanted it to be quiet.

I lost the program during a phone reset, but I'm not willing to pay $10 to have it again.
I've had the program since it was free, and I recently updated the full version. I love the program, but when they did the update, they took out one of the conditions that I used to use a lot, which was the calendar condition. If they added this condition back into, i would say it is worth the 10$ as long as you make a point to use it to the fullest.

For example, atm, i have situations set up to put my phone on silent+vibrate, with a dimmer screen, shorter screen time, and such when I'm in class, and then go right back to normal afterward, i also have a low power situation that lowers the volume, brightness, and screen lockout times plus turns off all of the networking capabilities (except for GPS) once it gets below a certain power level.

I did prefer the only interface more though, but short of that, and the lack of calendar conditions i think its a great app. On a semi-side note, anyone know if they are bringing calendar conditions back to it?