Liberty v0.5


Dec 16, 2010
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Somebody help,I'm running liberty 2.0.1 and want to go to gingerbread v0.5.. I no it says in the nightlies Sexton of the liberty toolbox u already have to be on gingerbread to install any of the v0. Nightlies...isn't liberty a form of gingerbread, can I go straight to gingerbread v0.5 from liberty 2.0.1 or should I Stet at v0.1 and go up to v0.5 or does any one have any suggestions on a bad ass rom that I can go to from liberty with not alot of hasle

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Before anything you should SBF.

If I were you, I would stay at 2.0.1.
They are both great, but I don't believe its worth going to v.5, but its all up to you.

This is all IMO by the way.

What is sbf I see that around alot I'm kinda new to this...also I'm having trouble installing the inverted 2.3.6 market black market it says before I install I need to uninstall updates for the market but there's no option to uninstall updates on Droid x and also it says I need yohave the file or zip in my system app folder and how do I get it from where it is to there thanks
What is sbf I see that around alot I'm kinda new to this...also I'm having trouble installing the inverted 2.3.6 market black market it says before I install I need to uninstall updates for the market but there's no option to uninstall updates on Droid x and also it says I need yohave the file or zip in my system app folder and how do I get it from where it is to there thanks

Its basically restoring your phone to out-of-the-box state. Go to and ask some people, and they should be open to helping you. Try some of these links----

All Droid X SBF Files

SBFportable - The Standalone SBF Program [Plugin, DoubleClick, Done!]

Linux solution to your Windows/RSD lite problems