lg g2 vs note 3?


Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Valley, AL
Does this phone are the note 3 support the facebook home application (like the htc one does) I currently have a droid 4 and am considering upgrading my phone so which phone is the best between the lg g2 and the samsung galaxy note 3?
Have you considered the moto x it is flawless and the fastest phone I've ever had. Coming from a DROID 3. Also kitkat has already rolled out.
My appologies I meant 2 say I current own a motroola droid 4 and no wanting a fast phone top of the line and the only 2 out right now that interest me is the note 3 and the lg g2 BUT i want a phone that supports the facebook home application without having to be rooted thats why i am wondering does either one are both of these phones support the application and how is the camera speed in both phones any lag etc?
I have no experience with Facebook home but the moto x is top of the line lol and fast
Both great phones. . Note 3 doesn't support it from what I can see. .

N3 tapa
ok thats amazing the galaxy note 3 doesnt support it does the lg g2 support facebook home? to check it open browser type in facebook home on google search scroll down and u will see download it should take u 2 google play store and thatll tell you if it supports it are not.
According to the Play store screen shot it only works on a few models, neither the G2 or Note3 being listed.

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s pen aholic in Beast Mode (Notetoo)
Other than the s pen features of the Note3 the biggest differences are the G2 seems to be more than just a little better in the reception area when having a weaker signal. If your reception is weak at best in much of your day I'd suggest go with the G2. Other than that either one is a winner.

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s pen aholic in Beast Mode (Notetoo)
I'll second what Mark said. Samsung phones typically struggle with reception in fringe areas. Screen size is the other biggest difference. Try both & then decide.

If both are too big for you,then the moto-x, nexus 5 or HTC one are smaller,but don't compare hardware wise to the G2 or N3.
I'm committed to the Galaxy Note series for various reasons including screen size and the S pen.

But I fear that the reception on my Note 3 is inferior to my Note 2. Nothing more than anecdotal, haven't formally compared the 2 devices side by side.

But if a strong signal is imperative one might have to think twice about the Note line. Again, I say this as an individual who will be buying Notes for the foreseeable future.
I absolutely love my Note 3. I over from Moto so i was worried about losing my great call quality. As it turns out, in my area I have not had a single reception issue. I would recommend giving the note 3 a shot. I was also interested in the G2, bu when I held them both in my hands (side by side) the note seemed like the right fit for me.