I'm trying to root my phone.
I have 2.1 update-1 firmware on my phone.
I followed this guide to root my phone.
Here's the link to the first guide I tried.
How to "root" the LG Ally - Android Forums
I got to step 10 but then it kept failing so I gave up on that.
That guide was to get SuperUser on my phone.
After that guide, I searched around and found an auto-root app called Z4Root. Here's the link.
Z4Root Is One Click Root App For Samsung Galaxy S / Android Phones
I installed it and ran it and clicked the root button.
It said it was doing a bunch of stuff to root my phone.
Then my phone restarted.
I don't know if it was rooted from that.
How can I tell?
I rooted my phone because I want to be able to move apps to my sd card since my memory is full.
How do I do that?
And what kind of roms should I get?
I have 2.1 update-1 firmware on my phone.
I followed this guide to root my phone.
Here's the link to the first guide I tried.
How to "root" the LG Ally - Android Forums
I got to step 10 but then it kept failing so I gave up on that.
That guide was to get SuperUser on my phone.
After that guide, I searched around and found an auto-root app called Z4Root. Here's the link.
Z4Root Is One Click Root App For Samsung Galaxy S / Android Phones
I installed it and ran it and clicked the root button.
It said it was doing a bunch of stuff to root my phone.
Then my phone restarted.
I don't know if it was rooted from that.
How can I tell?
I rooted my phone because I want to be able to move apps to my sd card since my memory is full.
How do I do that?
And what kind of roms should I get?