Google CEO Larry Page sat down with Fortune for an exclusive that shed a lot of light on the search giant. Topics ranged from monetizing Android to a possible Motorola Nexus with some talk about Apple and how he see's Google's influence expanding even deeper into our lives. The question on everyone's mind is "where is the Motorola Nexus?" to which Larry quipped;
First of all, I don’t think there’s any physical way we could have released a Nexus Motorola device in that sense. I mean, we haven’t owned the company long enough.
When the interviewer pressed him on when we will see a Motorola Nexus device and how Google's partners would react, Larry was very vague and dodged the question. He went on to say "maybe I'll talk more generally about that area. The right way to think about it is how do we get amazing products into users' hands in the most cost-effective, highest quality way possible and to the most people. That's what we do as a business, and that's what we've done with Android."
The interview covers some very interesting topics such as how he views the competition, which by the way he dislikes the notion of watching what the competition is doing, to the monetization of new services as the shift from desktop to mobile continues to gain momentum. To read the full exclusive interview please visit [FORTUNE]