Kernel differences


Jul 27, 2011
Reaction score
[h=2]Kernel differences[/h]
I'm sure this gets asked a fair amount but I can't seem to google the answer.

Is there a difference between running the 1.0 LV Ghz kernal at 800 mhz, and simply running the 800 mhz kernal at 800?

Any difference in performance or battery consumption? Thanks a ton!!

I'm assuming that the kernels are from the same source/rom creator...​
It depends on what vsel (voltage) the kernel is running, if the same at 800mhz then yes they would be the same.

If running 800mhz @ 50 vsel (low voltage) then you would get 800mhz of performance for approximately 500mhz worth of 'stock' vsel battery life.

I use the word stock loosely being the Droid OMAP processor was designed to be ran at 550/600mhz @ a vsel value of 56.
Okay thanks a ton. I went ahead and ran the 800 mhz just to be safe so at this point it's academic but thanks for the insight!! 800 runs plenty fast on the D1 and going to 1ghz KILLS my battery. Again thanks for the information!!