Keeping Unlimited (question)


New Member
Dec 31, 2010
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Hey everyone,

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but i'll ask anyway :biggrin:

My mom wants an iPhone 5.

I currently have a Galaxy S3 (and love it). DancingNexus

I have tiered data and she has unlimited (I lost my unlimited when I upgraded).

We have one upgrade.

She would like to keep her unlimited.

Can I go in and buy an iPhone 5 "for myself" using the upgrade and have it activated on my line etc. then reactivate my S3 on my line and activate/move the iPhone 5 on her line - theoretically having her keep unlimited?

And yes it may not be ethical but its also not ethical for verizon to do half the things they do. Just asking if it works.

Yes it can be done.. Use the upgrade for your line.. They can put it on for a minute then switch back S3. Then move the phone to her line and keep the unlimited.. When I got this MaXX the sales guy wanted to do it but my sis was not up yet for upgrade..

BK MaXX'hd
Yes you can. I did the same thing in order to keep my unlimited on my s3 going from my rezound. I did it at the vzw store and the sales lady had no problem with it.
Verizon canged their upgrade policy. I just talked to customer service. If you upgrade and sign a new contract you now waive your right to be grandfathered in on all lines on the plan as of july. Hate to be the bearer of bad news. You might double check since I was asking about upgrading my line with unlimited data, but if its written into the contract like he said, it should cover all lines.
wildbill86 said:
Verizon canged their upgrade policy. I just talked to customer service. If you upgrade and sign a new contract you now waive your right to be grandfathered in on all lines on the plan as of july. Hate to be the bearer of bad news. You might double check since I was asking about upgrading my line with unlimited data, but if its written into the contract like he said, it should cover all lines.

Upgrading only affects the phone line in that specific contract, not all lines.