I want to make sure I do everything right with this one - so I have some questions:
When I receive the phone, it will likely have somewhat of a charge on the battery. Do I put this phone on the charger immediately, or do I wait until the battery completely dies?
What is the best way to set up the Smart Actions app?
- On my current phone, I have it set up to turn off cellular data at 4 p.m. and turn on wi-fi at that point (I'm usually at home by 4 p.m.)
- I have the phone set to use wi-fi during the weekend. If I go out with the phone and need data, I turn it on and then back off.
- I have disabled background data.
Battery troubles have abounded with the Bionic - I'm really trying to avoid that and want to make the SIII a phone I can depend on.
If there are any hints or tips anyone can provide for the SIII out of the box, please let me know.
I'm *so* hopeful that this phone will be better than the Bionic - and really want to get things set up right from the beginning!
When I receive the phone, it will likely have somewhat of a charge on the battery. Do I put this phone on the charger immediately, or do I wait until the battery completely dies?
What is the best way to set up the Smart Actions app?
- On my current phone, I have it set up to turn off cellular data at 4 p.m. and turn on wi-fi at that point (I'm usually at home by 4 p.m.)
- I have the phone set to use wi-fi during the weekend. If I go out with the phone and need data, I turn it on and then back off.
- I have disabled background data.
Battery troubles have abounded with the Bionic - I'm really trying to avoid that and want to make the SIII a phone I can depend on.
If there are any hints or tips anyone can provide for the SIII out of the box, please let me know.
I'm *so* hopeful that this phone will be better than the Bionic - and really want to get things set up right from the beginning!